“Terrible disappointment in Vicenza, but Avellino has a two-year project. Market? We spoke with the coach…”

“Terrible disappointment in Vicenza, but Avellino has a two-year project. Market? We spoke with the coach…”
“Terrible disappointment in Vicenza, but Avellino has a two-year project. Market? We spoke with the coach…”

The disappointment of the defeat in Vicenza, but a great desire to start again. The director of the technical area Giorgio Perinetti will continue to lead the Avellino project and explained at the press conference: “I thank the owners for their renewed trust. When we met with the president a year ago, we talked about the need to have at least two years to achieve certain goals, even if the stated goal was direct promotion. This championship had its lights and shadows, the result was not achieved. Let’s not analyze everything, I did it with my collaborators and with the coach. I am rigorous with those who work with me, but even more rigorous with myself. Today we have more knowledge and awareness, about good and less good things. The team seems to me to have improved, not just in the playoffs. We had some encouraging data. The year of experience is very important, we start from this to try to achieve the goal. The disappointment in Vicenza was tremendous. Once metabolized, you have to think, understand and work. We must transform this sorrow into energy. Let’s start from this base. We want to give satisfaction to a club that spends itself completely and to a place that has passion.”

On movements in the summer: “Let’s start with knowledge. The coach was able to train these players, in January we made some corrections to have players who were functional to his ideas. We did an initial examination, but not in depth. The coach has clear ideas, he presented them and we approved them and share them. Now we have to work on it, knowing that the market is dynamic. In the next few days we will move on to operations and meet the various agents to explain what our ideas are. Last year there was the same problem with 29 players, today we have 31 with one perhaps already purchased from Carrarese (Illanes, ed.). Then there’s the matter of Aya which is delicate, being a player who hasn’t been active for a long time. The squad must be adjusted as quickly as possible. In the 23 ideals there will also be some other changes, that is, new additions. We will have to see the timing, but we will try to give the coach the definitive elements as quickly as possible. However, the market also opens up to other opportunities, perhaps from players who aren’t thinking about C in June or July, then come willingly and do well. Examples are Gori and Armellino. We will start working immediately, in operation you have to come face to face with reality. We will have to smooth out many corners, we will do it with great determination. The ideal is to have strong, young players who cost little and who win, but not everything is possible together. We must think about functional profiles, as well as the technical project, also the characteristics of the group and the category. Goalkeepers? It is a case to be solved like other situations. I don’t like making the team alone. All choices are shared, there are three of us working. For each role we give ourselves alternatives. We will check the market opportunities and evaluate our needs, the goalkeeper is very involved in the game today. Ghidotti? He made some mistakes, some cost us dearly, but overall he had a good championship. There is the purchase option, we will make the necessary assessments because it is a role we cannot make mistakes.”

On the square in Avellino: “I am a football fan, for me it is a great popular feeling and I have absolute respect for those who love this sport. What is particularly striking about Avellino is the involvement that the fans have with the club. When it comes to pressure, it is a motivating thing and gives great responsibility. Those who work here feel that there is an involvement that then affects everyone. Withdraw? Compared to last year, today there is a slightly more serene atmosphere. We finished the championship on June 2nd, unfortunately, but today June 15th the club can talk about the withdrawal, the season ticket campaign, the technical and directive guidance. The company responded immediately in view of next season. Tomorrow there will be the Under 17 semi-final in a national competition, after the success of the Biancolino boys. I don’t like talking about the youth sector in terms of results, but we must think about building the kids who give credibility to the Avellino project. Consolidating the youth sector means building loyalty in the area and opening up prospects on a technical level. On the retreat we had half an option on Palena. We found an alternative solution, in San Gregorio Magno. We are fixing the last things to make it official. It is a structure suited to our needs.”

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