Messina, Brothers of Italy responds in 10 points to Mayor Basile

Messina, Brothers of Italy responds in 10 points to Mayor Basile
Messina, Brothers of Italy responds in 10 points to Mayor Basile

THE municipal councilors of Fratelli d’Italia Libero Gioveni, Dario Carbone and Pasquale Currò in reference to Press conference of yesterday’s meeting of the Basile Council, they wanted to summarize some political and administrative aspects as opposed to what they believe it was the examination of the city is far too self-congratulatory. Given that we will certainly delve into the report that Mayor Basile will notify us in more detail and which we will discuss in the City Council – say Gioveni, Currò and Carbone – at the moment, highlighting just a few points, we would like to add, in fact, a little “coolant” to the overheated engine of this car!”.

“It is clear that many other points are still under examination and which we will present in the Chamber when the report for the 2nd year of activity is discussed – continue the three directors of FdI – but it seemed appropriate to us in the meantime to launch this decalogue of questions that certainly need to be explored further and, as far as we are concerned, many of them also need to be resolved. As a council group – Gioveni, Currò and Carbone conclude – we believe we have always demonstrated correctness by exercising constructive and never preconceived opposition, and certainly, in this second half of the mandate, we will do the same, but without discounts to anyone!

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