«The issue of wages and poor work are the real emergencies in Calabria»

«The issue of wages and poor work are the real emergencies in Calabria»
«The issue of wages and poor work are the real emergencies in Calabria»

COSENZA The initiative “The thousand faces of precarious employment” was held yesterday in Cosenza. The event, organized by CGIL Cosenza, was attended by the National CGIL Secretary Pino Gesmundo, the CGIL Calabria General Secretary Angelo Sposato, the CGIL Cosenza General Secretary Massimiliano Ianni, the CGIL Cosenza Secretary Teresa Aiello, the mayor of Cosenza Franz Caruso, the teacher of Economic policy at Unical Rosanna Nisticò, the new MEP and professor of Labor Economics at the Roma Tre Pasquale Tridico University. Present only for a brief greeting due to commitments was the Archbishop of the Diocese of Cosenza Bisignano, Monsignor Giovanni Checchinato.
“It is necessary – stated the General Secretary of CGIL Calabria Angelo Sposato – to break the chains that keep work prisoner of exploitation and free it. This is why we wanted referendums, this is why we need to support collective agreements by adding the minimum wage. Only those who do not know the hardship of millions of workers and have full bellies cannot understand this. The issue of wages and poor work are the real emergency in our country and in Calabria.”

“Young people – added Sposato – are fleeing because they no longer want to be exploited with starvation wages and the ruling classes cannot pretend not to see the hardship. The Meloni government has abandoned the south and left millions of people in poverty by eliminating the only means of supporting families. Politics must take on a role of orientation for the public investments of subsidiaries in Calabria that are fleeing as Tim, Enel, Eni are doing. The left must go back to being the left if it is capable of it. The managers who pretend to be left-wing and then vote for laws against workers are not such and should take a step back. In the next few days we will return to the Abraham, interns, Amaco disputes, and the Crotone poison cleanup. In Calabria we need a cultural and conscience revolution and this can happen by dialogue with people, in the squares, in the workplace, among the people”.
“We need – he concluded – a new regionalism of the South to counteract this wicked plan of differentiated autonomy which must be fought. And if it were to be approved by Parliament we will start collecting signatures for the referendums.”
And on the subject of differentiated autonomy, the National CGIL Secretary Pino Gesmundo addressed governor Occhiuto: “Don’t limit yourself to declarations. Produce formal documents as president of the Region asking for the withdrawal of the provision and undertake to sign the request for a referendum if it is approved by parliament”.
“The bill on differentiated autonomy – stated the General Secretary of CGIL Cosenza Massimiliano Ianni – represents a crime against our history, against our Constitution. A fatal blow that devastates welfare, privatizes healthcare and erases our rights. We have the task of making people understand that existential social job insecurity is at the origin of the crisis of democracy we are experiencing and is the primary cause of social division”.

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