The rental bonus arrives in Sicily, to help families in difficulty

The rental bonus arrives in Sicily, to help families in difficulty
The rental bonus arrives in Sicily, to help families in difficulty

Sicilian tenants, thanks to the Schifani Government and Councilor Aricò, will be able to access an important economic aid to combat the high rent which in the last year has been creating considerable difficulties for several families. The increase in interest rates for mortgages no longer allows an increasingly large area of ​​citizens to purchase a property. As a result, many families find themselves forced to opt for the rental solution. In addition to the mortgage problem, in recent years there has been an increasing number of new rental formulas such as short-term rentals, which allow for higher earnings in less time.

Especially in a Region that has always claimed to be a tourist destination, this new rental formula is increasingly recurrent as it is more profitable in the short term and much less “time consuming”. It is enough to look at the exponential growth of real estate portals dedicated to short-term rentals to realize this tumultuous growth in tourism, which on the one hand is certainly good for the asphyxiated economies of many Sicilian cities, but on the other has given rise to an increase dizzying of traditional rentals, both ordinary and tax-advantaged.

In fact, it is enough to analyze, for example, the Airbnb portal and realize that if in 2017 it published around 8 thousand adverts for short stays in Sicily, today, according to the latest data from 2023, adverts for short-term rentals in Sicily have skyrocketed to well over 16 thousand. Currently in Palermo, according to data extrapolated from Airbnb, there are around 3 thousand advertisements for apartments or rooms offered with the short-term rental formula, while on the various real estate portals the number of properties offered with the traditional rental formulas is below the a thousand proposals.

Therefore, within this framework of the real estate market which is putting the limited economic capacity of many Sicilian families to the test, this year too the Schifani Government through the Councilor for Infrastructure with responsibility for housing, the Hon. Alessandro Aricò , gave a concrete signal to Sicilians in difficulty, approving the RENTAL BONUS Notice.

This year the financial allocation available to the Sicilian Region, says the Hon. Alessandro Aricò, approved by the National Fund for supporting access to rental housing of the Ministry of Infrastructure, is 21.4 million euros.

The satisfaction of the unions

These resources, the delegate points out MY HOME for the Province of Palermo Luca Tantino, “they will be intended for holders of a rental contract for public, private or social housing with an ISEE below the maximum expected income level”. This Announcement on the Rental Bonus states Andrea Monteleone, Secretary of the Tenants Union ANIA, “Today more than ever it is truly a social equity tool necessary to support the real economy of the Island.
This measure is a concrete help to those families who have suffered from the indiscriminate increase in rent. Furthermore, with this Rental Bonus, the exponential increase in disputes and evictions due to non-payment that are clogging up the courts across the island will certainly be remedied”.

Therefore, the Sicilian Region, in the wake of the MORTGAGE BONUS which redistributed to Sicilians part of the shameful interest that Sicilians found on their installments which had even doubled compared to the previous year, continues with a policy of concrete aid towards Sicilians. After owners with sky-high mortgages, now tenants will also be able to receive concrete and real help and support to pay the now exorbitant rent.

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