For 5 years he rents accommodation illegally. He evades taxes for 180 thousand euros

For 5 years he rents accommodation illegally. He evades taxes for 180 thousand euros
For 5 years he rents accommodation illegally. He evades taxes for 180 thousand euros

Between 2018 and 2023 he received over 180 thousand euros in rent, without declaring them. In essence, the person, a long-time resident in the Ferrara area, owner of sixteen properties located between Codigoro and nearby Adria, in the Rodigino, was renting properties “off the books”. This significant evasion in the real estate rental sector was discovered by the Guardia di Finanza of Ferrara, following specific checks. The activity carried out by the financiers of the Tenenza di Codigoro began with the analysis of the data contained in the databases used by the Corps which showed that, despite the lack of registered rental contracts, some of the properties subject to the in-depth analysis were equipped with electricity utilities registered to parties other than the owner. The resulting tax assessments, as mentioned, made it possible to quantify the rent received, in the years from 2018 to 2023, and not declared by the owner of the properties at over 180 thousand euros and to report to the competent Revenue Agency office also the registration tax not paid following failure to register contracts. “The activity carried out by the financiers of the province – explain the “Fiamme Gialle” – confirms the attention paid to combating this phenomenon which, especially with reference to rentals in favor of students and “off-site” workers, is among the operational priorities of the Corps and the Revenue Agency of Emilia Romagna, who have set up a specific working group (in which other institutional actors also participate) which aims to identify homeowners who, taking advantage of the increased mobility of people due to study or work reasons and the chronic shortage of properties intended for rental, default on the payment of taxes on the huge rents collected”.

Valerio Franzoni

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