Nursery schools, 14 million for 616 new places in 21 municipalities

Nursery schools, 14 million for 616 new places in 21 municipalities
Nursery schools, 14 million for 616 new places in 21 municipalities

I’m 21 projects of the Lecce Municipalities financed by the Plan Nursery schools for almost 14 million euros. The ranking of project designs admitted to funding to give new life and impetus to childhood policies was published yesterday by the Ministry of Education and Merit.

616 more places in nursery schools

Thanks to an overall investment of 13 million 936 thousand euros out of almost 735 million disbursed throughout the national territory, resources largely from state sources and additional to the Pnrr, in the province of Lecce there will be, once the interventions have been concluded, 616 more places reserved for children from zero to two years old.

The municipalities financed

The “made in Salento” list includes the projects of the Municipalities of Alezio, Alliste, Cavallino, Cursi, Guagnano, Lequile, Leverano, Matino, Minervino di Lecce, Muro Leccese, Nardò, Racale, Salice Salentino, Salve, San Donato di Lecce , Taviano, Trepuzzi, Uggiano, Veglie, Vernole and Presicce Acquarica. Provided for by Interministerial Decree 79 of 30 April 2024 and launched by the MIM with the public notice on 15 May, the Plan has completed a first fundamental step, that of classifying the projects which to a large extent concern interventions for new constructions or expansions of kindergartens nest already active. A minority share of interventions is reserved for the conversion of existing buildings not intended for the reception of infants. Analyzing the Lecce projects in depth, the largest funding is that intended for the Municipality of Nardò: 1 million 728 thousand euros for a 72-seat structure. Just above one million euros, 1 million 8 thousand euros, that for Cavallino with a plus 42 for availability.

The Ministry’s provision is closely linked, moreover, to the number of new capacities in the nursery schools that the planning guarantees: in the case of Matino, Racale and Trepuzzi, the three Municipalities will each receive 864 thousand euros for 36 places, in Lequile 768 will be guaranteed thousand euros for 32. For the project drawings of 30 more units, those of the municipalities of Taviano and Veglie, 720 thousand euros are guaranteed: the same amount assigned to Leverano, which will provide 36 more places than now and will use the financing for the conversion of a municipally owned building. The Municipality of Salve will see its project financed for 672 thousand euros with 28 new assignments for children from zero to two years old, the same number guaranteed by Presicce Acquarica which converts a building it owns and receives 560 thousand euros. Projects with 24 more places financed with 576 thousand euros are those of Alezio, Cursi and Guagnano: with the same numbers the Municipality of Uggiano La Chiesa obtains 480 thousand euros for a project on a structure to be converted.

Finally, the municipalities of Alliste, Minervino di Lecce, Salice Salentino, San Donato di Lecce, Vernole (480 thousand euros), and Muro Leccese will have nursery schools with more than 20 places each, and Muro Leccese which with a loan of 400 thousand euros will be able to convert a structure not yet used to welcome small users. «We have implemented a highly innovative procedure, which has allowed us to directly identify the Municipalities that are below the average of 33% coverage of the nursery school service – the words of the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara – so as to pursue in a more incisive and uniform way the objective of activating services for the 0-2 age group throughout the national territory. Each municipality has in fact received a specific target to achieve, with an indication of the resources due. We consider the strengthening of children’s services to be the minister’s comment – strategic to effectively respond to the needs of families and working mothers”.

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