Parma Clima defeated in game 1: Bologna wins 4-1

The first match of the weekend between Bologna and Parma Clima was won by the Italian champions with a score of 4 to 1.

The match remained balanced for four innings and ended in a fifth inning full of fireworks. First Parma Clima took the lead by exploiting a defensive error and a sacrifice fly by Astorri, then Bologna imposed their superiority and the power of the line-up with two consecutive home runs by Helder and Martina. The 4-1 point was obtained by Samuele Gamberini with Bologna’s third home run of the evening.

The news

Parma Clima took to the field in an almost forced formation due to the withdrawals of Casanova, Mineo and Monello. Ascanio received Figueredo’s throws with Astorri, Angioi, Luis Gonzalez and Encarnacion defending the diamond. Desimoni, Battioni and Noel Gonzalez made up the outfield with Flisi the designated hitter.

Bologna responded with the current standard formation. The left-handed Civit took possession of the pitcher’s mound and Liberatore crouched in the catcher’s box. Gamberini was deployed as designated with Borghi as right winger. The first part of the line-up was particularly competitive with Paolini, Fernandez, Helder and Martina covering the first four spots.

Early pitches quickly slipped into full control of pitchers and defenses. Civit eliminated the first six batters he faced consecutively while Figueredo alternated excellent pitches with two base balls awarded to Paolini and Gamberini.

Parma Clima put the first runner on base in the top of the third inning. Astorri produced a hit with a precise hit to left, advanced to second base with a hit by Ascanio on the pitcher and then was eliminated in an attempt to reach third on an infield hit by Flisi. The fraction ended with Angioi’s elimination at the plate.

At the change of ends the hosts threw away an excellent opportunity to move forward.

Borghi received four balls and immediately afterwards Paolini made the first valid ball from Bologna: Frignani’s team found themselves with runners on first and second base with no outs but Ascanio struck Borghi with a powerful and precise shot after a missed bunt by Fernandez. Figueredo then closed the inning with two prestigious strikeouts against Fernandez and Martina.

Even more sensational is Bologna’s missed opportunity in the fourth inning. The hosts found themselves with the bases full with zero outs without a shot being fired. Martina gained first base with a “kappa plus passed ball”, Agretti fielded a double play ball on which the ducal defense went haywire and Liberatore was hit. However, Figueredo reacted successfully, forcing Gamberini into a short fly ball and Dobboletta into a double play.

Parma Clima took the lead in the first part of the fifth half. Desimoni fielded a bunt roughly defended by Civit and advanced to third base. Astorri made it 1-0 with a deep sacrifice fly to right.

At the change of fields Perez replaced Figueredo (4rl, 0pgl, 1bvc, 3bb, 1hbp, 3so) and Bologna reversed the result with a valid bunt by Paolini and two consecutive home runs by Helder (on the left) and Martina (in the center) .

Parma Clima had the immediate opportunity to catch up on their opponents after the replacement of Civit (5.1rl, 1p, 0pgl, 1bvc, 1bb, 4so) with Robles. A hit by Battioni created runners on second and third base with only one out but Agretti made a defensive double play by catching a short hit by Noel Gonzalez and eliminating Angioi at home plate.

Samuele Gamberini secured the result for Bologna by making the score 4-1 with a home run to the left, the team’s third of the evening.

Parma Clima’s last burst, three singles from Encarnacion, Luis Gonzalez and Astorri ended with easy volley eliminations from Ascanio and Flisi.

Tomorrow (4.30pm and 8.30pm) the other matches of the weekend will be played.

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