School, proposed by Monza: first aid subject of study

First aid as a school subject alongside Italian, history and mathematics. To throw the initiative and signature collection is the Salvagente association that has started the petition on June 2 and in less than two weeks it has already almost achieved its goal of 10,000 members (at the moment there are just under 9500).

School, proposed by Monza: «Like in most of the world»

«It is essential that first aid becomes a compulsory school subject as in much of the world – says the president Mirko Damasco At the moment the Lombardy Region has only approved a policy resolution which is not binding. We need government action, a state law, so that anyone who works in contact with minors, from teachers to educators in oratories or sports clubs, is trained and knows first aid procedures. For now there is precisely this policy resolution but no one checks and above all it is not mandatory».

School, proposed by Monza: first aid in the curricular programs of all schools

The proposal put forward by Salvagente with this petition it is not only that of making knowledge of first aid, including pediatric ones, mandatory for all those people who work in contact with minors, but that first aid practices actually become part of the curricular programs of all schools.

«We are aware that collecting signatures online has no value but it serves to raise the problem, to put pressure on politicians to take the issue into consideration. Just as was done when we asked for the wards to be opened to the families of those hospitalized during Covid. And we were right“, continues Damascus.

School, proposed by Monza: promoting the culture of prevention

For years, Salvagente has been committed on multiple fronts to promote the culture of prevention in various fields. «Yet children continue to die from preventable causes because adults are not trained – adds the president – Salvagente is fighting to ensure that this never happens again. We want prevention and first aid courses, including unblocking, to be mandatory in antenatal courses and for those who work with children. It is essential to sign and support our petition».

The signature collection is available on the platform with the title: first aid school subject.

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