Sweet Enrico | estense.com Ferrara

Sweet Enrico | estense.com Ferrara
Sweet Enrico | estense.com Ferrara

Sweet Enrico,

I met you on a rainy evening a few years ago, you were very young, polite and kind, you still are polite and kind…

A path shared with the most beautiful values ​​in the world, different paths of Party and political Movement, but it doesn’t matter…

Yes, the most beautiful values, those that lead us, if we see a person in difficulty for any reason, to immediately put ourselves in their shoes to lend a hand.

Those who push us to act not for the good of the individual, but for that of all.
Those who push us to study, learn and ask questions, because understanding how things work is important.
Those who see in school for all the possibility of redemption for anyone: “even the worker wants his Doctor son”…
Those who believe that travel is essential, so as not to become racist.
Those who put human relationships first.

Then the trips to Marzabotto and Casa Cervi, following you from afar in Ventotene, the study of the War of Resistance in our territory, the Copparesi Partisans we met together, their extraordinary stories.
My house as the People’s house, Jacopo’s guitar, the red wine, the Albana di Romagna, the desserts made by you, your opinions and those of Stefano compared and again, Miss Saugella at your exam graduation, the Professor, Tiburzi and the Moro, Ale and Giulia, the party on April 25th at Tracchia, with my famous phrase: “I just wanted to spread a bit of Anti-Fascism” the ANPI, the trips in the van to go to take the grills, the moral question.

More than ten years have passed since that rainy afternoon under the arcades.
We arrive at today, with my seventeen-year-old daughter who wants to see your program as a candidate for Mayor and my nineteen-year-old son who respects you, but who wants to understand why he should vote for you.
Heated debates: “he mola tut e vien con mi” incessant laughter: “a vag imbrosa prima cà scìopa tut”… unforgettable!!!

Enrico Bassi, I know why we should vote for you: because you are honest and capable, studious and thoughtful.
Because you have a rare ability, which is to unite people and make them passionate while explaining something with a simplicity that would be impossible for me.
Because you are young, but life has already put you to the test.

Because to do this it would be enough to look at your mother, Valeria, who nods at your every proposal and makes you want to do the same.

Because I love you, sweet Enrico.

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