Doing good already as teenagers, the Municipality of Verona rewards three girls with Stefano Bertacco scholarships

Today, Friday 14 June 2024, three young girls involved in social work, alongside the most needy, were awarded a Verona with the Stefano Bertacco scholarships.

Three very young people awarded with Bertacco scholarships

Small daily gestures of care, great empathy and attention towards otherssometimes taken for granted, but which are not taken for granted, especially for those who receive them and benefit from them by seeing the quality of their lives improved.

Thanks to these gestures Quintilla Cavallari, Giada Presa and Eleonora Balestrieri are the winners of the third edition of the “Stefano Bertacco” scholarships, the recognition established by the Municipality of Verona to reward the commitment of young people recommended by Third Sector bodies, state and private schools, who have distinguished themselves in actions of solidarity towards the most fragile and needy people.

The young people awarded

This year the initiative also saw a special mention for the very young man Michele Verzini, class of 2016, already involved in various activities as a volunteer during events that support people with Down syndrome and autism.

The establishment of the three scholarships “Stefano Bertacco”, of the amount of 1,000 euros each, was approved unanimously by the City Council in the meeting of 29 October 2020 and with a subsequent resolution of 27 February 2021 the relevant Regulation was approved.

Sensitivity and commitment at the service of those who need it most

As underlined by the Commission that evaluated the reports received, attention towards others does not necessarily have to pass through extraordinary altruistic gestures, but can also be expressed through “normal” actions which however denote particular sensitivity and commitment to putting ourselves at the service of those who need it most, as the three winning girls did.

It is also for this reason, to valorise as much as possible the many young men and women who in their daily lives stand out for the values ​​of altruism and respectthat the Administration is working to broaden the audience of recipients of the recognition, rewarding not only social commitment but also the training of young people.

“We are pleased to carry out a worthy initiative because it rewards boys and girls who stand out in everyday life for positive values ​​and who are an example for their peers” – said the mayor Damiano Tommasi.

“This project has a meaning that goes beyond politics, because beautiful things have no color and unite regardless of different political positions – said the councilor for social policies Luisa Ceni -. It is an initiative that we will continue to carry forward, because good generates more good and it is important to tell these positive stories that involve the young people of our city. We are already working on the next edition of the award, which will see the number of winners expanded.”

Luisa Ceni

“Stefano Bertacco has always been a man, before a politician, who has made his life an example of what generosity and sensitivity, humanity and commitment towards the needy and those in difficulty are – he added Federico Sboarina, leader of the Battiti per Verona group who established the scholarship in 2020 when he was mayor of Verona. A work carried out without fanfare, without ever expecting recognition or thanks, every day, with maximum availability for everyone. The scholarship was established precisely with this objective, to ensure that Stefano’s work continues to walk on the legs of young people who, like him, have the innate gift of altruism and solidarity and give themselves to others without expecting Nothing”.

Federico Sboarina

“I met Bertacco and I can say that he was a person who always put the interests of others before his own, especially those of the most disadvantaged people” – added the president of the Social Commission Chiara Stella.

Present at the awards ceremony, together with the family members and companions of the winners, were the Social Services manager Chiara Bortolomasi, Enrico Olioso representing the Volunteer Service Center and the regional councilor Daniele Polato.

The winners

Quintilla Cavallari

Quintilla Cavallari, 14 years old, reported by the ED.RES lower secondary school, stood out for her particular sensitivity demonstrated towards a “special” companion, giving her care and attention that would facilitate her inclusion in the class.

The best student in her class has the ability to put her learning skills at the service of her classmates. For some years you have participated in the activities of the GINGA Association which promotes educational initiatives for girls in school activities both during school and holiday periods.

Jade Presa

Jade Presa12 years old, reported by the “Madonna di Campagna – San Michele” comprehensive institute, since primary school she has shown closeness and help towards a classmate of foreign origin who presents various frailties, supporting her in organizing school materials and in carrying out homework and other activities both during school and extracurricular hours.

Gestures of help and attention which Giada, with sweetness and patience, also addresses to other companions in difficulty.

Eleonora Balestrieri

Eleonora Balestrieri, 18 years old, reported by the CNGEI Verona APS Section, is a Rover (young scout in the 16-19 age group) serving in the Lantern Company of the CNGEI Scout Section of Verona. In addition to being a committed and capable student, she has a marked openness towards the most fragile people such as children and the elderly.

How Rover enthusiastically participated in the community service activities that were proposed to it (Ecological Days, promotion of AIRC initiatives, National Food Collection Day, Elderly Festival in via Sottoriva), as well as being a point of reference for the little scouts.

Michele Verzini

Special mention to Michele Verzini, class of 2016, reported by SDV Social Promotion Association. Despite his very young age, Michele has engaged in various activitiesand voluntary during the Matitone event, an initiative that aims to welcome and enhance diversity and support organizations committed to supporting people with Down syndrome and autism.

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