Domenico La Marca invites Ugo Galli to the meeting on legality with Daniela Marcone: “I hope my opponent accepts the invitation”

Domenico La Marca invites Ugo Galli to the meeting on legality with Daniela Marcone: “I hope my opponent accepts the invitation”
Domenico La Marca invites Ugo Galli to the meeting on legality with Daniela Marcone: “I hope my opponent accepts the invitation”

Domenico La Marca invites Ugo Galli to the meeting on legality with Daniela Marcone: “I hope my opponent accepts the invitation”

I am speaking publicly, a few hours after Ugo Galli’s instrumental attack on Daniela Marcone, to clarify some things. I invited Daniela, who I have known for twenty years through experiences, projects and work carried out together, not for a rally in support of my candidacy, but to talk about legality, memory and her history.

The event, scheduled for this afternoon, would certainly have enriched the public debate in our city. Daniela is a free citizen, a person who has been active in the area for years, involving schools, associations and third sector entities. I therefore found Ugo Galli’s attack incorrect and mystifying. I called Daniela and not the association she represents. In fact, the demonstration that should have taken place this evening did not involve in any way the territorial garrisons of “Libera”. Don Ciotti’s association was mentioned only in the presentation of the guest who, as my opponent will well know, is also (but not only) the daughter of Francesco Marcone, killed by organized crime in 1995. The list of his roles in “Libera” absolutely did not want to bring the association into play in the electoral campaign, but added some information on its civil and cultural activity.

I am sorry, therefore, that Ugo Galli exploited this initiative, asking Daniela to take a step back. Preventing a free citizen, who intervenes not in an official capacity, but in a personal capacity, from participating in a meeting on such an important issue as that of legality, I believe represents an unacceptable request. Galli, if he had cared so much about this topic, could have also called Marcone, who would have accepted his invitation to discuss these topics with great pleasure.

Precisely for this reason, and to demonstrate the absolute goodness of the initiative, I officially invite my opponent, Ugo Galli, to participate and listen to Daniela Marcone’s testimony with me. If he accepts the invitation, the meeting can take place in a neutral location. I would like to thank Daniela Marcone from now on who, despite the attacks she has received, has already expressed her willingness to possibly meet the two candidates.

I hope that Galli can really take part in this meeting to listen to a life lesson and an exemplary testimony from those who, every day, fight and work against organized crime.

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