Corigliano-Rossano, Stasi, “The coalition of programmatic nothingness will not stop the light and the city”

Corigliano-Rossano, Stasi, “The coalition of programmatic nothingness will not stop the light and the city”
Corigliano-Rossano, Stasi, “The coalition of programmatic nothingness will not stop the light and the city”

The closer we get to the vote, the closer Germaneto’s coalition feels defeat, the more it further disqualifies its tone. We limit ourselves to tones and cannot talk about contents, as they have never existed because they don’t have the faintest idea of ​​what Corigliano-Rossano is, no vision of the future, no concrete project.
All the public interventions of this paradoxical and shapeless coalition created in the control rooms do nothing but revolve around Mayor Stasi, who from a construction site foreman to a user of ashtrays, has for a few hours now even become a drunkard and probably tomorrow will also have helped Putin to attack the Ukraine.
Obviously, not having any project proposal, for weeks they have been trying to disqualify or diminish the extraordinary things the Administration has done in these 5 years, starting from the enormous funding for urban regeneration intercepted by the municipal executive, starting from the 45 million of PINQuA.
Indeed, in the total absence of arguments, they desperately cling to a partisan complaint, the umpteenth in this electoral campaign, the fortieth in these five years, always presented by the same subjects obsessed with the fact that the existence of the Stasi Administration has had their clutches removed from the seats on which they have sat for decades, positions from which they devastated and sold off the city.
It is right that, in this electoral phase, citizens know that the “electoral complaints”, which so far have concerned, by way of example only, permanent competitions, fixed-term competitions, the selection procedure for managers, the toponymy commission, even the competition of ideas for the coat of arms and banner and their real political nightmare: the PINQuA. What have caused all these complaints in recent months, apart from a few articles on the web, with the related and prolific insights from all the authorities and law enforcement agencies, whom we always thank for the precious work they do? The certification of the total correctness and transparency of all procedures and the rejection, in all locations, of findings.
That mud, however, does not take root where the procedures have never been secret, but always public and out in the open. Just look at the notice board, where you will find that with the council resolution of 14 January 2021 the Administration decided to participate, for the first time, in the national tender with three projects on Vasci, San Domenico and Schiavonea; that with a decision of the then manager on 15 February, public notices were published, aimed at everyone, for the acquisition of properties to be included in the program, if the Municipality had intercepted the financing, collecting 10 proposals on the historic centers and with a resolution of arrived on March 15th, the overall proposal was defined in which all the proposals received were included, all with the same evaluation, in addition to the former prison, Palazzo Francalanza and other municipal buildings because the proposals collected were not sufficient.
It’s not all. The Municipality of Corigliano-Rossano, thanks to the competence of the Administration, has obtained financing for all three projects for a total of 45 million euros, but the one used for the PINQuA represents a real model for the redevelopment of the real estate assets in the historic centers which will also be replicated in other neighborhoods. The numbers say it, which obviously the Germaneto plaintiffs’ coalition omits, because thanks to this model, 9 million 567 thousand euros have arrived in the city for the redevelopment of the real estate assets alone, of which 1 million 330 thousand euros for acquisitions.13 :02
While waiting to discover, perhaps in five years’ time, what the concrete political and programmatic proposals are for the relaunch of our city and above all of the historic centres, which we found in a state of total abandonment and without any prospects, to make the difference between their past and our present and future, they are the facts, they are dozens of interventions, they are 46 million euros of funding obtained only in the historic centers, they are two perspectives, such as the Conservatory at Valente and the Higher Education at the Macello which did not exist before . The fact remains that until five years ago our city was only counted for illegal construction and dissolution, while today it is a model of transparency, legality, courage and regeneration, and will continue to be so for the next five years.
Yesterday the first intervention by PINQuA, the Public Illumination of Schiavonea, was practically completed and this demonstrates once again how rivers of words and inferences, in the end, are swept away, while the city is left with the facts.



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