Di Marzio: “Catanzaro, on Vandeputte there are Cagliari and Sassuolo”

The case of Jari Vandeputte is emblematic of how a player can emerge from the lower categories to attract the attention of more prestigious clubs. His growth in Catanzaro, culminating with a promotion to Serie B and a prestigious playoff semi-final, demonstrates how his talent can make its way even outside the spotlight of the big teams. Now, with Cagliari and Sassuolo interested, Vandeputte has the opportunity to make the leap to a Serie A team or a Serie B club with immediate promotion ambitions.

The transition from a team like Catanzaro to a Serie A club or a Serie B team with ambitious goals like Sassuolo can represent a significant challenge for Vandeputte. He will have to adapt to a higher level of competition and expectations, but his technical and tactical qualities seem promising for such a leap. His ability to influence play from midfield, combined with the experience gained in playoff challenges, make him an ideal candidate for teams looking to strengthen themselves for the coming seasons.

For Catanzaro, the departure of a key player like Vandeputte will certainly be a hard blow, but it is also a testament to the quality of their work in developing talents capable of attracting the interest of clubs in higher categories. It will be interesting to see how Catanzaro manage this transition and how Vandeputte adapts to new environments, whether it be the faster and more technical pace of Serie A with Cagliari or the pressure for promotion with Sassuolo to Serie B.

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