Blue Market | Cagliari asks for Luperto

Blue Market | Cagliari asks for Luperto
Blue Market | Cagliari asks for Luperto

The negotiations between Cagliari and Empoli are becoming increasingly complex, involving not only the benches but also the key players of the two teams. Cagliari, in fact, is strongly interested in defender Sebastiano Luperto, current captain of Empoli, while trying to secure coach Davide Nicola for next season. Nicola, under contract with Empoli until 2025, has already reached a personal agreement with Cagliari, keen to bring his experience and tactical vision to the Sardinian team. However, to free him from his current commitment, Empoli has requested compensation, thus opening the door to a possible transfer operation that includes the sale of a player

Initially, Empoli had proposed defender Ardian Ismajli as a technical counterpart, but Cagliari clearly expressed its preference for Sebastiano Luperto. The central defender, fresh from an extraordinary season, has improved significantly from all points of view, attracting the interest of higher-end clubs. His solid performances make him a coveted target for the Sardinians, who see him as an ideal reinforcement for their rearguard. Luperto’s rating could represent a significant obstacle in negotiations. Empoli will hardly go below 5 million euros for the player’s price, a figure that Cagliari will have to carefully consider. Furthermore, the desire of the defender himself will be a crucial factor: if on the one hand finding Nicola could be a factor in his approval, on the other Luperto could be attracted by offers from higher-level clubs.

The next few hours will be decisive in understanding whether the parties will be able to find a satisfactory agreement.

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