«I take them for free for medical visits»

PORDENONE – The premise in this case is all or almost all of the news itself: “I do it only out of love for others.” Yes, because Marco, the protagonist of the story, doesn’t ask for money other than “service” money. So in this case those of petrol. Stop. No “tips”, no “price list”. He is waiting for a job, after moving from Naples to Pordenone. And in this period of time she decided to dedicate herself to others. To one category in particular: that of elderly people. People who often have to ask family members for help or book transport offered by an association well in advance to go to the hospital or clinic for a medical visit. Marco, whose surname is Cimmino and is 47 years old, will now take care of it in the province.

The initiative

In recent days his message has been “clogging up” the Facebook groups of the various municipalities in Western Friuli. And as always, when it comes to social networks, some keyboard lions have also appeared who thought it best to insult the person offering their “services”. “But I don’t care too much about it,” explains the 47-year-old Neapolitan who moved to Pordenone, “because there are many more people who praise my initiative.” And then he specifies: “I don’t do anything illegal, I simply want to lend a hand to others, as I have always done in my life.” What does Marco Cimmini intend to do, concretely? In fact it offers passages. Especially for the elderly and especially if what is needed is a “trip” to the hospital or a medical center in general. «In Ischia, where I lived, I was part of a charitable association. I know the world of solidarity – he explains – and in my life I have always wanted to lend a hand to others. For this reason, while waiting to find a new job here in Pordenone (previously he was employed in a well-known commercial premises in the city centre, ed.) I decided to make my time and my car available to transport elderly people who need a ride”. And just yesterday a request arrived: a woman from Pordenone who needed transport. “I only ask for petrol money – explains the 47-year-old – and if the journey is short, not even that.” Simply put, profit has nothing to do with this case.”

The past

Marco Cimmino has a past as a trader in Campania. He has known all the phases of working life: that of abundance and that of hardship. Until the decision to move to the North, «where I understood that the difficulties for the elderly are common to those that can be encountered in the rest of Italy. And so I decided to do my part to help those with fewer means at their disposal. This is how I am: if I have a euro available, I like to share it with other people. And now that I’m waiting for a new job and that I have some free time, I have chosen to put this announcement online. Are there people who insult me? It doesn’t matter to me, I continue on my path. The fear of some sanctions? I’m not doing anything illegal – continues the 47-year-old who lives in Pordenone -. In my life I have also known suffering well and if there are people in need I am happy to be able to help them however I can.”


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

PORDENONE – The premise in this case is all or almost all of the news itself: “I do it only out of love for others.” Yes, because Marco, protagonist of…

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