“The damage to my family was very great, I could only go to the prosecutor’s office”

“The damage to my family was very great, I could only go to the prosecutor’s office”
“The damage to my family was very great, I could only go to the prosecutor’s office”

Viterbo – City Council – Marco Bruzziches in the city council returns to the dinner of September 26th and explains why he chose to go to court: “I didn’t expect a certain behavior from the mayor”

by Giuseppe Ferlicca

Viterbo – “The damage to my family was very great, I could only go to the prosecutor’s office”. Marco Bruzziches, a municipal councilor whose recordings of the dinner on 26 September with his wife, the mayor and her husband spoke at the city council, were sent to the prosecutor’s office and Frontini and Cavini were asked to be sent to trial on charges of threatening political body in competition.

Marco Bruzziches

Hearing set for November 21st.

The possibility of distributing the entire transcript is discussed. Proposal by Alvaro Ricci (Pd), to understand the context of statements published daily.

“I would have no problem – observes Bruzziches – in handing them over to my fellow councilors, if my lawyers agree”. Even if the request of the PD group leader was addressed to the mayor.

“I recorded the dinner – continues Bruzziches – and I explained the reasons to the prosecutor’s office. The background was there. It’s my first political experience, I didn’t expect a certain behavior from the mayor who I supported from the first moment.

Very serious damage was done to my family and after days I couldn’t help but contact the prosecutor’s office.”

Giuseppe Ferlicca

June 14, 2024

Here’s who governs Viterbo… … The articles

  1. “If the mayor does not take a public step back, it will not be possible to re-establish normal union relations”
  2. Chiara Frontini: “Kindergartens, a topic that I notoriously don’t give a shit about, because I don’t have children…”
  3. Municipal employees, Chiara Frontini calls the unions…
  4. “The mayor’s statements against unskillable and unacceptable workers, a change of direction is needed”
  5. “The Uil of Viterbo and Lazio in the streets against Chiara Frontini”
  6. Chiara Frontini: “Counsellors and offices are precise and shit… every time you tell them to straighten out a half-crooked situation they don’t do it”
  7. “Rude and desperate statements from a mayor who doesn’t even know how to keep the city clean…”
  8. “Frontini is governing in complete solitude and even allows himself to offend workers…”
  9. Fabio Cavini: “If the manager is a problem… screw the manager” – Chiara Frontini: “We did it…”
  10. “Municipal employees, a unitary document against political interference in public administration”
  11. “We ask for the resignation of Chiara Frontini due to manifest institutional inability…”
  12. “Two hellish years, the city is in disarray and the mayor also offends those who work and those who represent the workers”
  13. “Frontini’s statements against Turchetti are an offense to the entire union, his 2-year mandate is terrible”
  14. “Unlike the mayor, we defend the workers and listen to the citizens”
  15. Chiara Frontini: “That idiot Giancarlo Turchetti from Uil…”
  16. Chiara Frontini: “Chiatti was a loose cannon, we can’t understand what the fuck she wants…”
  17. “City employees, a public assembly of workers… in the streets against the mayor Frontini”
  18. “Instead of employees, why doesn’t the mayor evaluate her councillors? She would have bitter surprises…”
  19. “The mayor retracts the unspeakable statements about municipal employees to avoid escalating the matter”
  20. Maurizio Bizzoni (Uil Fpl): “Municipal employees, if Frontini doesn’t apologize we will proclaim the general mobilization… let the prefect intervene”
  21. “The statements about municipal employees are out of place, Chiara Frontini should apologize…”
  22. “Surprise and dismay at the statements against the employees, the mayor Chiara Frontini denies…”
  23. Chiara Frontini: “50% of the municipality’s public employees should be thrown away…”
  24. “Letizia Chiatti is our main enemy because she is the right hand of the Brothers of Italy and wants to put the majority in check”
  25. Poison dinner – Fabio Cavini: “If you are against us, you will also die of hunger…”
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