Novara weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 15 June

Saturday 15 June in Novara promises to be a day characterized by light rain for most of the day, with a cloud cover which will remain high. Temperatures will hover around +16°C during the night and will gradually rise until reaching i +19.9°C in the early afternoon.

During the morninglight rains will be constant, with a humidity which will remain around the 95% it’s a atmospheric pressure stable a 1012hPa. The wind will blow from the East – South East with a speed that can reach i 25.5km/h.

In the afternoonthe rains may intensify, with precipitation likely to become moderate. Humidity will be around87% and atmospheric pressure a 1012hPa. The wind will change direction, coming from the North – North West with gusts that may exceed 14km/h.

In the evening, the rains will tend to decrease in intensity, but the cloud cover will remain high. Temperatures will remain around +16°C with a humidity that will remain around the 95% and a stable atmospheric pressure a 1012hPa. The wind will blow from the North with a speed that can reach i 12.2km/h.

Considering the weather forecast for the next few days in Novara, it is likely that the bad weather could persist in the following days, with possible rain and temperatures that could remain cool compared to the seasonal average. We recommend that you pay attention to the updated weather forecast to better plan your outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Saturday 15 June in Novara

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