Co-R, Straface will sit in opposition but will not give up the regional council

Co-R, Straface will sit in opposition but will not give up the regional council
Co-R, Straface will sit in opposition but will not give up the regional council

Respecting and interpreting the precise mandate entrusted to us by the voters, in the new City Council of Corigliano-Rossano we will represent with pride, determination and maximum clarity that part of the community that has placed trust in our political vision of government and development, which was and will remain an alternative to the one that was the majority and which finds its synthesis in the reconfirmation of the outgoing Mayor. At the same time, we will dialogue and discuss with everyone right away, in the belief that a serious opposition can and must aim to progressively represent the entire community, continuing to explain its reasons and building the foundations of normal democratic change today.

This is how the regional councilor began Pasqualina Straface who yesterday evening (Wednesday 12 June) brought together all the candidates from all the lists in support of him in the secretariat of Via Nazionale in Corigliano Scalo, to reiterate his gratitude to them for their shared commitment and to congratulate all the newly elected coalition advisors. “For us – he continued, urging everyone to enthusiasm and action – today a very important and qualifying political and administrative experience begins”.

In fact, interpreting correctly and with awareness the delicate and strategic role of a united and determined opposition, both in the civic assembly and in the political dialectic of a large city like ours, means assuming without any hesitation a triple responsibility, requested of us by the voters : that of constant control over all government activity; that of constantly listening to the City, starting from those who often have no voice; and, finally, a proposal to the Executive that will take office”.

“We will be proactive and constructive – he repeated – but at the same time we will be vigilant and will not give any kind of discount to the future municipal administration with respect to everything that we believed should be reported yesterday and which we believe with the same coherence and transparency should be reported tomorrow”.

“For all these reasons which motivated and accompanied us during the now concluded electoral campaign, respecting the important trust expressed by many fellow citizens in my person and to whom I reiterate my gratitude, in the utmost serenity and with the smile that has distinguished us until today, I confirm – Straface concluded – That I will continue to carry out my role as regional councilor and, together with all the elected representatives of our coalition, I will interpret with the same passion and with the same self-sacrifice, also my role as opposition councilor in Corigliano-Rossano, sitting next to them, starting from the first call”.

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