The Republican Arsenals reopen their doors for the Pisa book Festival

The Republican Arsenals reopen their doors for the Pisa book Festival
The Republican Arsenals reopen their doors for the Pisa book Festival

Reserved for small and medium-sized Italian publishing houses with independent brands, the Pisa Book Festival will be created and directed by Lucia Della Porta, as well as created by the association Ets Pisa book festival through the contribution of Pisa Foundation and the patronage of the Municipality itself, the Tuscany Region and the Tuscany-West Chamber of Commerce. Furthermore, the collaboration with i National Museums of PisaThe Palazzo Blu Museum and the Graphics Museum.

The Arsenali exhibition center – divided into the sections Previews, Great Guests, Made in Tuscany, Giallissima, History Lessons cycle and School of Publishing – will offer the possibility of moving between 90 publishers’ stands and six large historical stages, dedicated to events. There are 200 guests expected and 90 publishers already confirmed.

Under the banner of encounter and discovery, the city once again becomes a chosen place for literary dialogues, cross-narratives and cultural exchanges linked to the theme of Sea. The key word was certainly not a random choice, a sign of the famous past of the Maritime Republic and a common thread capable of connecting the great classics of literature to its contemporaries.

If the exhibition at the Palazzo Blu – dedicated to Yambo for the 150th anniversary of his birth – will be a preview of the event, there will be no shortage of other surprises. In fact, the anniversary of the Carnation Revolutiona tribute to RJTolkien and the guest of honor Bjorn LarssonSwedish writer.

Nor is the pleasure of hosting, on this occasion, less Pisa Book Translation Awards 2024, special recognition for the talent of translators, figures of fundamental importance for the global circulation of stories and texts. The three competing finalists, who will be presented on October 4, appear to be Rosalba Molesi (with The destiny that brought me to Trieste by Radoslav Petkovic – Wandering Shop), Marco Federici Solari (with The Giant’s Bow by Christoph Ransmayr -L’Orma) e Giulia Zavagna (with The invincible summer by Liliana by Cristina Rivera Garza- Sur). On the same day, the lifetime achievement awards will be presented to Roberto Francavilla And Roberto Kelleras well as the special jury prizes a Massimo Bacigalupo (for poetry) e Joseph Farrell (for the English translation of the theater by Dario Fo and Franca Rame).

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