Varese work and legality: prevention, controls and opportunities –

It will be the occasion for an important moment of analysis and in-depth analysis on important issues relating to the labor market: promoted by the Varese Chamber of Commerce and the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, the conference “Work and Legality: Prevention, Controls and Opportunity”.

«The effort will be to address these topics as best as possible – underlines the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Mauro Vitiello -, taking a careful look at the issues of legality and policies to prevent forms of undeclared employment. In support of the entrepreneurial system, here is a high-profile moment to take stock of the situation at a territorial level so as to define together how to best proceed along this direction”.

The conference, which will begin at 9.30 am in the Campiotti room of the Varese Chamber of Commerce, is part of a series of in-depth meetings on legality and controls regarding the management of employment relationships and is promoted as part of the planned actions by the PNRR to prevent undeclared employment, exploitation and other forms of irregularities.

«It aims to be the first appointment of a new cycle of meetings – continues President Vitiello – and will particularly touch on the areas of undeclared work and exploitation. All this especially in the sectors with the highest incidence of outsourcing processes, paying particular attention to the tools for combating and preventing irregular situations, such as the control system. The logic is to promote correct training and information models on a local level.”

Immediately after the institutional greetings from Mauro Vitiello himself and Alberto Gardina, director of the Territorial Labor Inspectorate of Varese, an illustration of the labor market at provincial level will follow, organized by the Chamber of Commerce. It will therefore be up to Marco Bellumore, head of the Supervision Process of the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, to hold a report entitled “Work exploitation pursuant to art. 603bis of the Criminal Code in the context of outsourcing with a focus on labor intensive procurement”.

The initiative is aimed primarily at companies regarding the issue of legality in the establishment of employment relationships. The conference may also be of particular interest to professionals, who on the one hand are employers themselves, and on the other are alongside companies in management and can help them move in the right direction.

And equally for employers’ associations and trade unions, which through their own channels and opportunities for internal discussion can contribute to creating a culture of legality among companies and workers. Furthermore, the institutions are also involved which, in various capacities and within their competence, must ensure compliance with the law and the protection of people.

Participation is free, with online registration on, under the heading “Upcoming events”.

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