Barletta: Barletta summer and tourism, councilor Cilli: «Exciting data»

«In a few days we will present the program with all the summer events in Barletta, announcing only that they will be approximately double the events of last year. In addition to the many events already announced, there will be others with prominent names.” The municipal councilor for culture, tourism and major events Oronzo Cilliresponds to the article on tourism in Barletta published on the pages of BarlettaViva, underlining that the city is not only preparing itself with big announcements for this summer season, including music and events for everyone, but that the data collected so far relating to the flows tourist numbers in the city are more than rosy.

«With regards to accommodation – comments Cilli – the data in our possession which comes directly from the accommodation facilities – we are talking about 220 realities in Barletta including B&Bs, holiday homes etc. – are more than positive, with a truly exciting fact: from single night stays in Barletta, they have gone to average two-night stays, therefore doubling the figure in the space of a year. It means that many people choose Barletta and stay in Barletta, not just for a stopover.

Speaking of numbers, extraordinary data comes from exhibition dedicated to Toulouse-Lautrec in the Pinacoteca De Nittiswith accesses quadrupled compared to the same period last year.

In terms of promotion, there was no shortage of important showcases, many at a national level, such as those of the Geo cameras, Linea Verde Life and Linea Verde Estate.

It can certainly be improved, no one wants to deny it, but qThese data are proof that we are working hard. I also reiterate that the doors of the municipal administration are always open: it’s not just me as an interlocutor, as councilor for culture, tourism and major events, and obviously our mayor, but also my fellow councilors for the Local Police Valentina Scazzeri and to Giuseppe Dileo’s production activities.

The commitment is there and it shows: you just need to look at the nearby cities to understand how much Barletta is doing for the tourist and cultural offer with great attractive initiatives for this summer too” he concludes.

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