Casoria weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 14 June

The weather forecast in Casoria for Friday 14 June indicate generally stable conditions during the day. The morning will have few clouds, but as the day progresses the sky will clear, leading to clear skies in the afternoon and evening.

During the morningcloud cover will be around 26%, with temperatures hovering around +23.3°C. The wind speed will be approx 3.5km/h coming from the South – South West.

In the afternooncloud cover will decrease, dropping to 10%, and maximum temperatures will be around +25.5°C. The wind will blow at a speed of 16.6km/h from the South West.

In evening, the sky will be clear with cloud cover around 9%. Temperatures will remain around +22.6°Cwith winds coming from the West to 11.2km/h.

In general, the day will be characterized by pleasant temperatures and light winds. The weather conditions in Casoria for the next few days are expected to be stable, with clear or slightly cloudy skies and temperatures that will remain at similar values. It is advisable to pay attention to climate variations and consult the weather forecast for any updates.

All the weather data for Friday 14 June in Casoria

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