Pd: “We are growing despite low turnout. Mastella? Irrelevant in Campania”

Pd: “We are growing despite low turnout. Mastella? Irrelevant in Campania”
Pd: “We are growing despite low turnout. Mastella? Irrelevant in Campania”


“Mastella? It’s irrelevant.” Thus Giovanni Cacciano, secretary of the Democratic Party in Benevento, in the press conference analyzing the vote for the European elections “The first – he recalled – in which I comment on a positive outcome, after the defeats taken between political and provincial elections”.

And Cacciano continues: “The numbers are good: thanks to voters and leaders who have made it possible to reconnect the party with citizens. Obviously also thanks to secretary Schlein: she made it possible to offer the idea that the alternative to the right is, in fact, the Democratic Party. Here in Sannio we have worked well, particularly in the last year, and where we have reorganized the party we have often been the first team: see Buonassociazione, Arpaia, and those 12 municipalities in Sannio where we arrived ahead of the others. We increased the consensus compared to September 2022 by 2500 votes despite the turnout falling by 11 percentage points.
The absence from the polls must be one of our worries: I will invite the political forces to do something, starting from establishing a commission to reverse this worrying trend”.

As for the city data: “The data in Benevento city? We increase by 614 votes, Mastella loses over 1600 compared to less than two years ago. The fact is that 80 percent of the political vote in the city is alternative, between the Democratic Party, Five Star, Left, Action, and right-wing parties: 8 out of 10 people chose clearly alternative options to the one proposed by the mayor of Benevento .

Respect for Mastella obviously, but he knows well what this figure means politically, but it is the past. They had 12 thousand votes in Sannio and 28 thousand in the whole of Campania, those votes are also the effect of male-female tickets or other evaluations, but in any case the narrow center-left in Campania is worth 50 percent, extending to the others we are talking about 58 percent , Mastella’s votes in this area are worth 1 percent. Conclusions should be drawn.”

Conclusions which according to the Dems must lead to a concrete commitment to the reorganization of the party, as the regional councilor Gino Abbate also declared, starting again from young people in particular who, as also shown by the analyses, look with interest at the Democratic Party.

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