Reggio, a company’s commitment to its employee in a wheelchair

“People suffering from more or less serious disabilities very often encounter serious difficulties in dealing with their work, starting from architectural barriers, to workstations, which are not always adequately equipped to allow the disabled person to be able to carry out the own work in the most comfortable way. But fortunately, today we would like to talk about a story which highlights the sensitivity of a large company that operates in our area, which has shown great sensitivity towards one of its employees, forced to return to work in a wheelchair”. Thus begins the note Antonino Practicò, Head of Disability Department Fratelli d’Italia Reggio Calabria.

Pratticò comments on Bruno’s story, employee in a wheelchair returned to work thanks to the adjustments adopted by the company. “The top management of the plant Hitachi Rail Of Reggio Calabria, in the persons of the Management Manager Paolo Assante and the Planet Manager Paolo Franci, did their utmost to put Bruno in a position to be able to carry out his work as best as possible, with an adequate work station and with all the necessary assistance tools. There was great satisfaction, both on the part of the unfortunate boy himself, and of all the workers of the plant, who will be able to continue to make use of Bruno’s professionalism”.

“For our part, as the Disability Department of Fratelli d’Italia Reggio Calabria, we cannot but express the utmost satisfaction towards this noble gesture, by a multinational like Hitachi Rail, one of the few production companies in the Reggio Calabria area, which contributes to maintain important levels of employment in our city, also for people forced to live with disabilities of various types”the note closes.

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