Benevento, institute technical table against illegal spills

Benevento, institute technical table against illegal spills
Benevento, institute technical table against illegal spills
Benevento, institute technical table against illegal spills

At the headquarters of the Department of the Environment, a technical table was held between Asia, the department and the Municipal Police aimed at identifying effective actions to combat the illicit abandonment of waste, a phenomenon which is concentrated above all at the eco-points service of the districts.

Not only that, during the discussion Asia also represented the need to control the correct disposal of waste and the presence of ‘foreign’ fractions in the separate collection carried out by city condominiums.

The sole administrator Donato Madaro, the councilor Alessandro Rosa and the commander of the municipal police Pasquale Pugliese agreed on the need to check the video surveillance images present at the ecopoints by applying a fine to violators and to carry out the random control service of the contributions weekly, which will be carried out by Asia operators accompanied by traffic police.

Furthermore, the Company has loaned two cameras/photo traps with license plate reading to Municipal officials which will be used to combat illegal spills.

“It is necessary to combat the less than virtuous behavior of some – declared the sole director, Donato Madaro – which negatively affects the quality of separate waste collection and the service, increasing its cost and diverting the work of our employees from other activities. We had already started control operations in the various ecopoints but the phenomenon is too frequent to be contained without institutional inter-force collaboration”.

“We can no longer allow illicit spills – added councilor Rosa – which lead to a reduction in separate waste collection and environmental damage. The time has come for zero tolerance. We must safeguard virtuous citizens who work towards good environmental practices, we can no longer allow incorrect attitudes. Our control room will serve this purpose. There will be very tight controls to prevent people from outside the city from spilling uncontrollably into our ecopoints. We will not look the other way, those who pollute pay.”

Also present at the table were the manager of the Environment sector of the municipality of Benevento, Maurizio Perlingieri, together with Luigi Giordano, the manager of the technical area Asia Fernando Capone, the head of the technical sector Asia Paolo Rocco and the manager of the technical sector Separate waste collection Pasquale Melisi .

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