Italia Viva, Marattin is a candidate for the post-Renzi era

“This time I think I’ll get involved directly. I hope there is fairness.” Luigi Marattin, deputy of Italia viva, announces in ‘Il reformista’ that he will run for congress of proposed by Matteo Renzi for the autumn. The party is starting to reflect after the flop of the United States of Europe in the European elections.

“The breakdown of the Third Pole was a political crime, of which Sunday’s disappointing result is only a consequence. We had the single IV-Action group, and it worked very well”, underlines Marattin. Now “we must acknowledge the end of a cycle and rebuild everything from the beginning, creating the political conditions for a new project. But it must be a project that starts from the bottom, involving new energies. And not from internal struggles between ruling groups”.

“In Italy there is enormous space for an authentically liberal-democratic and reformist political offer for those 10 million Italians who no longer vote. It is up to us to build it.” With Schlein or with Meloni? “At the moment, no thanks: neither.”

Let’s reflect politically, without getting caught up in emphasis or conditioned reflexes. Matteo Renzi announced the congress as President of the party. It’s a serious and right thing. Because a community that wants to build the future reflects and reasons together. It will be there that we will develop a response, a strategy and a perspective”. This was written by Senator Enrico Borghi, group leader of Italia Viva in the Senate, in a long post on social media dedicated to the analysis of the European elections.

“Which exists in society (the trivial sum of the votes between us and Action on Sunday would have made the Green Left Alliance overtake the list, which is celebrated as the most epochal success of the global left after the storming of the Winter Palace…), and which calls for a political proposal that is up to the challenges, needs and prospects”.

“It is not impossible to build a reformist perspective, even here. It has already happened in the past that in Italy, faced with the prospect of ‘two winners’, the political response was a reformist development. Borrowing from that season, we too could say that ‘primum vive, deinde philosohare’. First the identity, the politics and only then the alliances, functional to the implementation of the project”, adds Borghi.

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