Pizzetti: Portesani calls national leaders, is this his civility?

The first move announced by the center-right ahead of the June 23-24 ballot does not go unnoticed: Alessandro Portesani’s call to gather the national levels of political forces that support his candidacy for mayor. “Mine – he declared yesterday – is an appeal also to the national leaders of the center-right so that they support a candidacy that can be a starting point, in the most important region of the country, for the reconquest by the moderate faction of the provincial capitals which have been in the hands of the left for too many years. An opportunity not to be missed because a victory in the run-off would not only be a success for my city but would lay the foundations for a new season of the centre-right in Lombardy starting from the electoral competition in Milan next year”.

A completely different reading comes from Luciano Pizzetti, leader of “Cremona sei Tu” for Andrea Virgilio: “The candidate Portesani, who had fatally deluded himself of winning in the first round, now evidently feels a little less “civic” given that he hastened to openly ask for the support of the center-right Roman party leaders. A sort of appeal for electoral obedience.

The reason is very simple: the centre-right received many more votes in the European elections in Cremona than in the municipal elections, a clear sign of the candidate’s difficulties in representing and driving a world so unconvinced of his candidacy that it left hundreds of votes on the fieldexactly six percentage points.

We take note of this umpteenth turn which shows how instrumental his appeal to local citizenship is. Now he is asking for help from Salvini, Tajani and Meloni, even hoping for political uniformity in Lombardy. No one had ever achieved such immoderate electoral ‘fretting’.

Only a few months ago he declared ‘to make itself available to the city with a new political project of a strongly civic nature’, now reveals itself as the sponsor of a center-right grab-all. A truly impressive ease.
The same one with which he met center right and center left indifferently.
It seems to me that the pieces are all falling into place and we are more about transformism than about transformation. For Portesani evidently ‘Cremona is worth a mass’. The ritual is of secondary importance.”

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