Preferences: Pizzetti top marks, Capelletti the most voted woman

CREMONA – Stories of men. Of women. And of votes. Votes for men and women.


To all 371 candidates fielded on the 14 lists: participation is an increasingly less recognized value and, therefore, more appreciable than ever.


Above ten, he achieves it Luciano Goatees: having descended from the Roman buildings that rely on the road which suddenly returned to its value step by step, house to house and door to door, he was able to move with refined wisdom and expert wit along pavements that were in some places damaged. Dictating the route on the front line for his city: Cremona is you, in fact. «At the service of a community that has given me a lot» to put it in her words. I commit. Repaid in two months of electoral campaign faced to the finish line with the verve of a child. Also attentive (and sometimes even meticulous) to social media and online: stuff from distant generations, yet learned and practiced quickly. The result is that in the end he is the most voted of all: 469 preferences. He is the king and he is not naked. Indeed: he is well dressed with those blue suspenders on a white shirt shown off during the hours of waiting for the count in front of the committee of his ‘son’ (politician, of course) Andrea Virgilio. Rejuvenated. In his appearance and in his record-breaking qualities, hoped for but not to be taken for granted. Example.


Not to be followed, evidently, for the 36 candidates who did not bring in even one vote. Fourteen are in the Pensioners Party, eight on the League list and seven on the Communist Alternative team. Then scattered among the list of Paola Turkeys (one), that of Forza Italia (two) and that of Alessandro Portesani (one), that of the 5 Star Movement (always one), that of the Left for Cremona Energia Civile (one) and that of Maria Vittoria Ceraso (a). And to think that usually, at least, we vote for ourselves. Instead, evidently, on Saturday and Sunday they all had other (and presumably better) things to do. Zero. Like their votes.

Luca Burgazzi


All the outgoing councilors of Gianluca Galimberti’s council deserve it. The contribution of. is particularly significant Luca Burgazzi, outgoing PD councilor for culture: often at the center of controversy during the election campaign, he takes revenge with 344 crosses on his name. Good too Simona Pasquali (again Pd, 158 votes), Luca Zanacchi (165) e Barbara Manfredini (110) of Fare Nuova Cremona Attiva e Rosita Viola (133) from the Left for Cremona Energia Civile. The owner of the balance sheet, however, was less good Maurizio Manzi (Fare Nuova Cremona Attiva): 27 people chose it. And it must be the price you pay that holds the purse strings by remodulating taxes: the proceeds, this time, are disappointing. And there is no tax evasion recovery. An explanation, perhaps yes: behind the scenes it tells of a sort of personal disengagement with a view to the end of his political career having already been decided, resulting in a minimal campaign for himself and mobilization diverted to others. In any case, however, Manzi will no longer be in the game. And he deserves respect for what he has given in the last ten years: always correct, even more available, precise. Upright in an awkward position.


Two guarantees: Paul Carlettioutgoing president of the city council, who has a consensus of 116, and Roberto Polyleader of the Democratic Party in the council, accompanied by 171 supporters.

The lawyer Andrea Carassai


To the lawyers: Andrea Carassai (Forza Italia) gets 153 votes, Maria Luisa D’Ambrosio (Cremona are you-Virgilio mayor) takes 146, Luca Curatti (News in Cremona) 103, Marco Azzali (Brothers of Italy) 79. Not a few, all together. Legal loot. It had a little less following Georgie Halili: 21 votes. Curiosity: she is the partner of the centre-right mayoral candidate Portesani.


To the faces of healthcare. Lights and shadows. Full light on the doctor Riccardo Merli (Make Nuova Cremona Active): with 349 votes he is the most voted after Pizzetti. Perhaps you expected more from the infectious disease specialist Claudia Balottaawarded by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella for the commitment and importance of his research in the darkest days of the pandemic: you are in the Cremona team – Virgilio mayor, brings 70 preferences to the centre-left candidate. And 57 guarantees them Ida Beretta (it’s always you in Cremona – Virgilio mayor). Very good Cinzia Marenzi (ultrasound doctor, on active Fare Nuova Cremona list): 165 ‘x’ on the cards.

The doctor Riccardo Merli


To the women of the right. They are in the Brothers of Italy and in the League. Clear Capelletti, evidently certified in her leadership by the 267 votes of the relevant electorate, is the most voted: from FdI, from the entire center-right and in general among women. Rewarding success. They follow Francesca Gazzina with 125 preferences, Jane Alquati And Simona Sommi (Carroccio) with 186 and 101 votes respectively.


Definitely positive Carlalberto Ghidottihistorical face of Forza Italia who went off the radar for some time, then joined FdI and was rewarded with 201 votes, minus that of Alexander Carpania former Northern League member poisoned with a League that he no longer recognizes and that a Ferruccio Giovetti secured 19 preferences.


The surprise is Marco Olzi: 265 preferences in the Fratelli d’Italia bag. The delusion? Nobody. Being there, at that age, is still an opportunity. And maybe, who knows, even the beginning of an exciting journey.

Pietro Andrea Nolli


Half recognition, however, that of the sons of art. Both lined up in Fratelli d’Italia, in the name of their father and mother, Pietro Andrea Nolli, scion of Roberto, former deputy mayor of the Perri council, rejoices in a result that is flattering to say the least: 116 votes in his first experience. Less wide the booty of Nicola Tinon De Good: her 29 preferences still make mom proud Irene Nicolettaformer councilor of Orestes Perri. Fresh and good air. Light breeze at the time when the warm wind of the last challenge begins to blow. The decisive one. And there, the votes that count are others. Not these. Data for gaming.

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