Alarm from farmers in Asti: “On their knees, the rain is worse than the drought”

Alarm from farmers in Asti: “On their knees, the rain is worse than the drought”
Alarm from farmers in Asti: “On their knees, the rain is worse than the drought”

Rain is worse than drought. From 20 to 40% less wine production80% less honey, cereals, nuts and livestock on their knees.

«We don’t want to be the usual farmers who always complain, but the situation is truly dramatic – he says Maria Grazia Baravalle, director of Confagricoltura which raises the alarm – we are faced with phenomena that are confirmation of the climate changes underway.”

Rainfall in April and May has caused flooding that is delaying corn and soybean planting operations. «Where this operation has already taken place – says Baravalle – the crops have been affected by fungi and almost completely lost».

For many plots it will be necessary to reseed, with a significant increase in costs for seeds, weeding, fertilization and fuel. As long as it can be done, because it is impossible to work on soggy ground or worse during a “water bomb”.

«There are also serious problems on meadows and grasslands – continues the director of Confagricoltura – the continuous rains have stopped haymaking, delaying mowing operations: grasses and legumes are in great difficulty».

A problem that therefore has repercussions in the world of livestock farming, making cereals scarce which are present in the feed essential for animal nutrition.

Significant problems also for beekeeping, a sector that has been in severe crisis for several years now. For this year, a reduction in production of around 75%/80% is expected, with the flowering of the acacia having been completely lost. Even in hazelnut groves, persistent rains have formed water stagnations, asphyxiating the roots. Not even the world of wine is excluded from the problem. «The main agricultural sector of the Asti area, viticulture – says Baravalle – is experiencing major problems due to adverse weather conditions».

With humidity there has been an increase in vine parasites including downy mildew. It has been calculated by Confagricoltura that the ongoing climate change will lead to a reduction in wine production, this year alone, from 20% to 40%. «It is a truly worrying situation for our farmers who in recent years have had to face a decidedly anomalous climate – he underlines Enrico Masenga, coordinator of the technical sector of Confagricoltura – rain, hail and strong winds represent a far more serious threat than drought itself.”

Farmers are hoping for a return to good weather, but without exaggerating. «We hope – hopes Baravalle – that with the start of summer the good weather will return so that we can save even a part of a compromised season». But they are also ready for initiatives.

«In the event that this situation were to persist – announces Baravalle – we will ask the institutions to consider recognizing the damage suffered with adequate compensation for the companies affected by these adversities».

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