Bregoli Gastronomy La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara It was from the year 2000, from the stove of “At the table with the Prince”which could not be seen Igles Corelliundisputed master of Italian catering, with his five Michelin stars, engaged in an entirely Ferrara cuisine project. Started from the kitchens of Trigabolo of Argenta in the eighties, at the Locanda della Tamerice immersed in the valleys of Ostellato and then going to Tuscany. He is a lover of the concept of “Circular Cuisine”, his philosophy of respect for the ingredient. In the Igles’ kitchen, as in nature, nothing is neglected or thrown away, everything is transformed. It was brought back to Ferrara by the historic Gastronomia Bregoli in via Pomposa 37, founded in 1952 and led today by Fabrizio Barbagli and Nadia Bregoli, “the tank” as Igles calls it. Mother of Fabrizio, co-leader in gastronomy and Marco, managerial mind and nephew of the founder of the Sea supermarkets in Ferrara. At 15, Nadia managed a store with employees. The family project convinced the chef, who will sign the menus that the gastronomy will present not only at the Lungofiume events in the new dock: Uain from 15-23 June, Rio Latino from 24-30 June and Mangiafexpo from July 1-21. A traditional but modernized line with refined and high quality products. The objective is to present a modern menu but looking at the past, at the traditions and recipes that have accompanied the Bregoli family all these years. «Marco, like me, loves quality and organization – says Igles Corelli – and therefore a studio with him is certainly professional. We will make a menu of simple and traditional dishes, but made with high quality products. Now – he continues star chef – you try to amaze by exaggerating. For me he is wrong; we need to amaze with simplicity, with the search for the right raw materials, because the products are there. In the menu we are defining, the dishes will be traditional, but with different ingredients, shapes and sensations. For example, for cappellacci we will use violin pumpkin from a producer in Codigoro; we agree that we will pay a few cents more as long as he processes it in a certain way, exposing it to the sun during the day and removing it at night so that the humidity does not affect the quality of the pulp.” To whet the curiosity of the palate, the menu will also include a crunchy lasagna with meat sauce and parmesan zabaglione and another vegetarian one, with vegetables on pea cream. Forget the traditional “form”. If there’s still hunger, room for Beef roast beef cooked at low temperature as well as the veal with tuna sauce with crispy giardiniera red aubergines. The chef’s salad is also signed. Also traditional are the desserts with tagliatella cake, trifle, tenerina, mustard tart and the inevitable “brazadèla”. Enjoy your meal.

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