the only Piedmontese elected to the European elections. He is the nephew of the Minister of Defense

Who can’t do it

For all other candidates (even if some sections are missing at the end of the count e it will then be necessary to understand if there will be any waivers) there was nothing to be done. Crosetto in fact he cashed in 33 thousand preferential votes. Far away from the suitors. Paolo Damilano can’t do it, the wine and mineral water entrepreneur nominated by Forza Italia, who comes fourth with 12,500 preferences, after Antonio Tajani and the Milanese Letizia Moratti and Massimiliano Salini. The other two Piedmontese blue candidates are far behind: Claudia Porchietto (6 thousand) and the former Northern League governor Roberto Cota (3,800). Also out of the game, as widely expected, are the Piedmontese of the Democratic Party Davide Mattiello, who stops at 10,579 preferences, Antonella Parigi (10.145) and Luca Jahier (7,191). The outgoing Northern League members Alessandro Panza (9,200) and Gianna Gancia (8,500) failed to achieve re-election. Not even a Piedmontese among the 5 Stars, where the former regional group leader, Sean Sacco from Alessandria, stopped at 5,753 votes.

The parties

At the European Championships iThe first party is the Brothers of Italy also in Piedmont, with 30.4%. The Democratic Party follows with 22.9%. The League is further behind, with 10.3%, Forza Italia with 9.9%, the 5 Star Movement with 8%, the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra with 7.5%. After all, those who did not exceed the threshold: United States of Europe with 3.8%, Action with 3.22%, Pace Terra Dignità with 2.26%. Results essentially in line with those of the rest of the North West electoral constituency, except for Forza Italia, which in the land of its national deputy secretary Alberto Cirio manages to gain an extra percentage point.


In Piedmont 56.6% voted for the European elections of voters: 2 million out of 3.5 million. The entire North West constituency has 12.8 million eligible voters, of which only 55% (7 million) participated in the vote.

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