European elections 2024, the PD rejoices in the victory in Molfetta: «Extraordinary result»

European elections 2024, the PD rejoices in the victory in Molfetta: «Extraordinary result»
European elections 2024, the PD rejoices in the victory in Molfetta: «Extraordinary result»
“The result achieved in Molfetta by the Democratic Party in the European elections held on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June is absolutely extraordinary”, states the Secretary of the Molfetta PD and City Councilor Alberto d’Amato.

With 7,708 votes (equal to 42.99%), the PD is by far the leading political force in the city, doubling the result of the Brothers of Italy and outclassing the League which even expressed the candidacy of councilor Carmela Minuto. “I can only express my full satisfaction for this great result – declares Secretary d’Amato – which first of all rewards the great work carried out, in these weeks of the electoral campaign, by the community of many militants and sympathizers of the Molfetta PD Club to whom I extend my heartfelt thanks for their commitment. There have been many initiatives organized in recent days and the moments of discussion and debate with the most representative candidates; the mobilization and broad and constant participation have been rewarded by the consensus of the voters and they demonstrated how the Molfetta PD community is active, vital and well rooted in the area.”

“Obviously – explains Alberto d’Amato, – the result is also the fruit of the careful choices made by the National Secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, who composed a strong, authoritative and very competitive list for the Southern Italian constituency, starting from candidacy of Antonio Decaro who we hosted a few days ago in the Molfetta club. His candidacy managed to drive the Democratic Party throughout the South which, in fact, was the first party in the southern constituency, thanks above all to the almost 500,000 preferences it received. collected the former mayor of Bari who was the most supported everywhere, even in our city, since he was able to gather personal consensus even outside our party and the historical center-left basin.”

“Obviously we cannot help but comment with bitterness on the abstention rate which, in an already very desolate picture at a national level (only 49.69% of those entitled to vote in the whole of Italy voted for the European elections), is taking place in our city an even more alarming nature, with a very low turnout in the vote (equal to 34.20%) which signals a very deep disconnect, in Molfetta, between citizens, politics and institutions.”

“Faced with this situation which risks undermining the very foundation of our democracy, – continues Alberto d’Amato – we believe that it is essential that politics, even in Molfetta, recover its credibility in the eyes of voters, first of all by turning the page as soon as possible compared to this disastrous administrative season. Politics must return to placing the pursuit of public interest and the protection and valorisation of common goods at the center of attention, even at a local level, as in recent years. .”

“For this reason – concludes the Secretary Alberto d’Amato – together with the large community of the Democratic Party that I have the honor of representing, also thanks to the broad consensus obtained in this electoral competition which gives us a great responsibility, we will commit ourselves immediately to build, together with the other political forces of the democratic and progressive area of ​​the city, a credible and competitive alternative that can make us ready to run for the city government, when the time comes, with a political and programmatic proposal capable of intercepting the consensus of the majority of citizens. Because the time has come for Molfetta to finally become a beautiful city to live in.”

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