The first Democratic Party in Taranto overtakes Brothers of Italy (UPDATE)

The first Democratic Party in Taranto overtakes Brothers of Italy (UPDATE)
The first Democratic Party in Taranto overtakes Brothers of Italy (UPDATE)

There is also the fundamental contribution of the Ionian Democratic Party in the election of the mayor of Bari Enzo Decaro to the European Parliament, which at a national level is approaching half a million preferences.

Nine thousand 226 preferences which, added to those of the other Dem candidates in the Southern constituency, made the Taranto Democratic Party the leading party in the city with 27.30% (14,581 total votes). Two and a half percentage points more than Fratelli d’Italia which reached 25.07% (13,387 votes) with 8 thousand 259 preferences going to the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni. The third force in the city is the 5 Star Movement with 19.96% (10,662 preferences) while the internal center-right derby between Forza Italia and Lega was the prerogative of Minister Salvini’s party: 6.12% (3,271) against 5.09 % (2,717) of Berlusconi’s Azzurri who competed with unitary lists together with Noi Moderati.
The result achieved by the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra was also good in Taranto, receiving 6.21% (3,316) overall but resulting in an unflattering result for its leading candidate, Rosa D’Amato, outgoing MEP (even if in the last legislature was elected with the votes of the M5S). And, in any case, AVS confirms itself as the fourth force in the city. In line with the disappointing result achieved both at national and regional level Action-We are Europeans (Carlo Calenda) with 1.14% (609) while the United States of Europe (Italia Viva and Bonino together) in the city put together 5.78 % (3,086) but its leader Massimiliano Stellato, given the unflattering national result (United States of Europe did not exceed the threshold of 4% for which he will not be represented in Strasbourg, seat of the European Parliament), will be of the match.
But if in Taranto the Democratic Party was the leading force, things change at the provincial level. Here, adding the votes of all the Ionian municipalities, the Fratelli d’Italia (28.77%) is the first party to be awarded the prize, followed closely by the Democratic Party (27.36%). Even if the gap is less marked than the Taranto figure.
Out of 157 thousand 495 voters in Taranto, 55,418 went to the polls, equal to 35.19%, making the Ionian capital one of the southern cities in which the least votes were cast. 1,595 were invalid ballots; 413 blank ballots; 1 the disputed one.

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