Victory for Meloni, stronger centre-right. Does the EPP still want the Left?

If the European elections were to be a referendum on the government, the response from the polls was clear: passed with full marks. Compared to the 2022 elections all the majority parties are growing, a figure that goes against the trend of custom, because normally almost all governments in office see their consensus decline after a certain period in power. Just look at Sanchez in Spain. The result of locomotive of the majority, Brothers of Italy, is flatteringwith an increase of almost three points from the 2022 elections. All things considered, the other two government parties also did well, increasing their consensus proportionately: However, the League was overtaken by Forza Italia by a marginwhose voters, as also emerges from the preferences expressed for Tajani, evidently have the separation of Berlusconi’s heirs from certain positions of the outgoing Euromajority was rewarded. Avalanche of preferences Also for Giorgia Meloni, by far the candidate most indicated directly by voters, more than two million, followed by Roberto Vannacci for the League, which exceeds half a million preferences.

Lights and shadows for the opposition in Italy: it’s fine the PD, which literally cannibalizes the M5S. The green-rainbow coalition breaks through, exceeding 6.6%. The real losers of these elections are precisely the former grillini, who fall below the 10% threshold, and the “well-ironed shirts” movements, the Calendians and the followers of Boninowell below the barrier threshold.

Notably absent are the Eurosceptic partieswhich helps to explain the collapse in voter turnout, which fell below 50%.

All of Europe takes a step to the right. They are Italy, Austria, Spain and especially France a give voice to national, conservative and anti-woke parties. However traumatic it may be for the old politics, however, the success of the AfD in Germany is not so overwhelming. And in Poland Tusk’s pro-Europeans, even if from the EPP, win over the nationalists.

These contrasts allow us to draw some trend lines: in general they have been the most warmongering positions are punished, such as those of Macron, Scholtz and +Europa, but also of the PIS in Poland. Europeans therefore do not want to hear about war, whether it is openly pacifist positions or firmness but without the Macronian recklessness held by the Italian government, they reward those who don’t add fuel to the fire.

The Greens and the extreme left have also been beaten throughout Europe, with their gray and rainbow follies. The only data that goes against the trend seems to be the Italian one, where the eco-LGBT-antifa bloc takes home several seats and he also manages to save Ilaria Salis from Hungarian justice. A slap in the face for her friends who were arrested in Hungary with her: if instead of pleading guilty and agreeing to a light sentence they had tried the option of going to the polls, perhaps they would now be MEPs instead of Hungarian prisoners. Fortune favors the stubborn, evidently.

The data of the Italian opposition shows the importance of that “W factor”, wokeism, which, as was largely predictable, is becoming the real prop of the left. The preferences expressed in Italy by voters for the opposition, in fact, often have awarded the most woke candidates, starting with Salis and Gino Strada’s daughter, Cecilia, but Zan is also doing relatively well.

A very tough game now opens within the three main center-right groups in Europe. If the conservatives of ECR ​​and the eurosceptics of ID choose to march divided but strike united, it is the EPP that must decide what it wants to do when it grows up. Ignore the popular vote, with a clear indication of tiredness towards European politics in recent years, and continue to shore up the path traced by Von der Leyen together with the socialists and Macronian centrists? Or point to a new centre-right European council, more attentive to the needs of the people, prudent in foreign policy and impervious to rainbow and green hysteria?

Although provisional, election data shows clear trends. Having made due proportions with the old parliament, in which there were 751 deputies and now there are 720, the EPP grows by almost 10%, while a drop of 6-7 points falls to the socialists. The centrists of European Renewal suffered a collapse of more than 20%, overtaken in the debacle by the Greens and the left who lost over a quarter and a third of their seats respectively. The conservative group – which includes Fratelli d’Italia, is growing by over 10%. while the data from the sovereignist group Identity and Democracy is difficult to interpret, because the increase in Le Pen’s votes in France must witness the decline of the League in Italy, compared to 2019, but above all the expulsion from the German group of Alternative for Germany, who are now going to swell the ranks of that “mixed group”, so to speak, which doubles compared to the previous electoral round.

Europe is at a turning point. And even if she didn’t take it while skidding, the direction is clear. It’s up to the elected officials now to understand it.

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