European elections, in Sicily (without Sardinia) Forza Italia wins, FdI second – BlogSicilia

European elections, in Sicily (without Sardinia) Forza Italia wins, FdI second – BlogSicilia
European elections, in Sicily (without Sardinia) Forza Italia wins, FdI second – BlogSicilia

The analysis (purely political and with no electoral value given the system for the European elections) of the vote in Sicily, separating it from Sardinia, gives different indications not only to the rest of the country but also with respect to the V constituency.

Without counting the Sardinian vote on the island, Forza Italia Noi Moderati EPP would have won, overtaking even the Brothers of Italy. The European elections, therefore, also provide other indications. While the right is advancing in Italy as is the case throughout Europe and Fratelli d’Italia remains firmly the first party in the country, in Sicily the center represented by Forza Italia Noi Moderati is also advancing.

The Sicily data without Sardinia

the vote cast in Sicily assigns the hypothetical victory to Forza Italia Noi Moderati EPP with 23.67%. Fratelli d’Italia is still there and follows closely with 20.18% confirming himself in full health.

Change the order of the factors even in the left house with the 5 Star Movement which overtakes the Democratic Party on the island and stands at 16.07%. also putting some distance from the fourth, just the Pd with 14.37%.

Catena de Luca’s Libertà list scores a (useless ninth after passing the national barrier) 7.68%, overtaking the Lega which stops at 7.48%; L’Green and left alliance drops to 4.81%. United States of Europe by Renzi and Bonino (2.06%); Peace, Peace and Dignity by Santoro (1.73%); Action – We are Europeans by Carlo Calenda (1.41%); Popular Alternative (0.54%)

National results

The national result speaks, however, of Fratelli d’Italia first party but with 28.81%; The Democratic party in second place with 24.02%; The 5 Star Movement che can’t even reach double figures and stops at 9.95%; same thing happens to Forza Italia We Moderates Ppe which fails in the double digit operation and stops at 9.72%; there Salvini Premier League in the country has a better result than the islands with 9.13%; L’Left Green Alliance at 6.63%.

Out of the running because they don’t pass the 4% national threshold United States of Europe at 3.74% And Share at 3.31%. Data useless for electoral purposes for the list of Santoro, Peace, land and Dignity at 2.19%; while Libertà by Cateno De Luca doesn’t even try to overcome the barrier and stops at 1.24%. All the others are below 1%.

Preference votes

The individual preference votes of each list in constituency V say a lot about the balance of power even within the parties while waiting to understand how many deputies will be Brothers of Italy.

A count to be done on a national basis and then brought back to the local level given that the second party in the country is the PD c followed by 5 Star Movement in third place.

The local result of Forza Italia combined with the other numbers it gives hope for two seats while it is necessary to evaluate whether to League – Salvini Premier there will be at least one in Sicily and a lot will also depend on where the alliance will take its seats greens Left.

There will be no seats for United States of Europe; Calenda action and all the others even smaller

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