European elections, in Trentino Fratelli d’Italia at 26.34%, Lega in third place after the Democratic Party: here are the results

TRENT. Brothers of Italy in the lead, in second place Democratic party followed by League. The counting operations ended just before six this morning Trentino for the European elections.

Brothers of Italy gets the 26.34% the Democratic Party the 25.21%Salvini Premier League 11.54%, Green and Left Alliance il 7.92%Svp il 7.14%Forza Italia with Us Moderates – Ppe il 4.99%Action the 4.53%the 5 Star Movement the 4.45%United States of Europe the 3.81%Peace, Earth and Dignity 3.01% and Freedom 0.77%.


To theregional level the first party with the 26.53% of the votes is the SVP followed by Prime Minister Meloni’s party with the 19.56% and in third place we find the Democratic Party with the 15.86%. Green and Left Alliance with the11.25% of votes surpasses the League which stops at 7.53% of votes.


Among the negative data to underline is the low voter turnout. In Trentino Alto Adige only 46.96% of people went to vote compared to 59.95% of the previous European ones. In the province of Trent the turnout was 44.73% (57.40% in previous elections) and in the province of Bolzano The 49.55% (62.76% in previous elections).

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