European elections: Fdi first party, followed by Pd and M5S. Forza Italia surpasses the League which does not have the “Vannacci effect”. The far right is growing in Europe, but Von Der Leyen wins and rejoices

European elections: Fdi first party, followed by Pd and M5S. Forza Italia surpasses the League which does not have the “Vannacci effect”. The far right is growing in Europe, but Von Der Leyen wins and rejoices
European elections: Fdi first party, followed by Pd and M5S. Forza Italia surpasses the League which does not have the “Vannacci effect”. The far right is growing in Europe, but Von Der Leyen wins and rejoices

Elections and projections: at 28.85% with 60 thousand ballots counted, the victory of the Brothers of Italy is confirmed, the Democratic Party grows and closes the gap with 24% and the M5S drops to 9.8%. Forza Italia beats the League, 9.72 against 9.19. The Carroccio does not have the “Vannacci effect” but is elected with a record number of preferences. The Greens, Left and Libertà rise with 6.62%. The electoral count is also being concluded in our country to elect the 720 deputies of the next European Parliament. In Italy theturnout was 49.6%. From the analysis of the five constituencies, it seems that turnout is much higher in Northern Italy, between 53% in the east and 55% in the west, compared to a figure that fluctuates between 37.3% and 43.7%. in the Islands and in the south. The center stands at 52.5%.

At stake is the vision of a united Europe against the sovereignist one, a very delicate election. For the moment it seems that the projections see the defeat of the governing parties in France and Germany, with Macron and Scholtz overwhelmed by Marine Le Pen’s far-right RN and the AfD, Austria turning decisively to the right. However, the European People’s Party group is holding on, as are the pro-Europeanists. Ursula Von der Leyen, declared: «We won, we will stop the extremists. Without us in the EPP, no majority will be formed in Europe.” And the president of the EPP, Manfred Weber, has already invited the Socialists and Renew to “join us for a pro-European alliance”.


The Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), far rightwould be ahead in Austria, with the 27% of votes. They follow around the 23% the centre-right coalition ÖVP and the socialists of SPÖ.


It’s in the lead Christian Democratic Party CDU-CSU with the 30% of votes, followed by the far right ofAfdAlternative for Germany: with a historian 16.5%up from 11% in 2019. I greens follow with the 12%: a great disappointment considering that in 2019 they reached 20%. However, the worst result ever was achieved by the Left, with the SPD of Olaf Scholz, the current chancellor, who stopped at 14%. The turnout is not low: it is 64%.


In the Netherlands the vote was held on Thursday and the exit poll forecasts see the party as the favourite PVV Of Geert Wilders not “break through” as the pre-vote polls announced: it should have seven seats (and 17.7%) against the eight of the green-left alliance. THE GreenLeft-Labour in fact they claim victory with 21.6%, we’ll see if it’s confirmed after 11pm.


A low turnout, lower than the Italian one, in Greece: 32.9% voted. According to the first exit polls, the centrists would be in the lead at around 31%. Nea Dimokratiafollowed by Syriza, Left party on 18%.


Here the center-right is winning according to the exit polls, with the Christian Democrats of Disy at 27% percent. With 24% Akel’s far left would follow. But the new element is the third place of an independent candidate, without any support list: him YouTuber Fidias Panagiotouvery famous in his homeland.


In France, Le Pen’s RN would have 32% of votes: the party leader welcomed Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the Chambers. Her party, Renaissance, would be stuck at 15%. The new elections are expected to take place on 30 June and 7 July. In third place is Raphael Glucksmann’s Socialist Party-Place Publique list, which reaches 14%.


Even in Belgium the projections cause a change in government: Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has announced his resignation after the result of the Liberal Party Open VLD, his, stuck at 6%: «It’s a particularly difficult evening for us, we lost. Tomorrow, I will resign from my post as prime minister, I will be a resigning prime minister. But the liberals are strong, we will return.” He then congratulated “the winners of these elections”, the right-wing N-VA party (24.3%) and the Vlaams Belang of extreme right (at 19%).


The People’s Party led by Dolors Montserrat would have 32.4% of the votes exceeding the Psoe of the deputy prime minister Teresa Ribera, which is given at 30.2%. The controversial far-right party Vox becomes third political force at 10.4%. However, the same percentage is achieved together by the left-wing formations Sumar at 6.3% and Podemos with 4.4%.


The party of the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, Fidesz, would as expected be first with 43.7% of the votes, but it was almost 52% in 2019, so it would have lost eight percentage points. On the other hand, Tisza, the party of former Fidesz leader Peter Magyar, is growing with 31.07% of the vote.

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