European elections in the province of Como: Fratelli d’Italia dominates, the Democratic Party beats the League. Finished sixth in college

European elections in the province of Como: Fratelli d’Italia dominates, the Democratic Party beats the League. Finished sixth in college
European elections in the province of Como: Fratelli d’Italia dominates, the Democratic Party beats the League. Finished sixth in college

Meloni dominant and the League also beaten by Elly Schlein (with the Democratic Party, however, closely following FdI in the city of Como): these are the data that immediately catch the eye in the province of Como once the European elections have concluded. The election of Alessandro Fermi for the League is difficult.

European elections, the results in Como and its province

Fratelli d’Italia dominates the European elections in the province of Como. In fact, with 32.70%, Giorgia Meloni’s party is very much the first in the Como area. Following – but very distantly – is the Democratic Party which took second place with 18.02%, also beating the League with 17.96%. Salvini’s party evidently did not ‘cash in’ a Vannacci effect sufficient to change the balance (or, if it did, it was better to mask a potentially even worse result). Forza Italia gets a good 9.64% which places it behind the Salvini party, which was instead beaten on a national level.

The Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, on the other hand, confirms the excellent national figure and on the Lario scores a round 6.05, even surpassing the Five Star Movement which in the province of Como remains very weak with 5.28%.

The mini battle in the center sees Action (3.92%) beating the movement of Renzi and Bonino, United States of Europe, stuck at 3.49. Followed by Pace Terra and Dignità by Michele Santoro at 1.7 and then Libertà at 0.65, Alternativa Popolare at 0.3 and Rassemblement Valdotain at 0.21.

The results of the European elections in Como city

But now we see the results in the city of Como: FdI with 26.62% remains almost 6 points behind the provincial figure and – while easily maintaining an excellent percentage and the lead – is confirmed as historically weaker in the capital. Capital where the Democratic Party confirms itself as very strong, coming second less than two points behind Meloni, with an excellent 24.69%. The League performed badly in the city of Como, 7 percentage points below the provincial figure and stuck at 11.28%. Forza Italia is a couple of points below: with 9.24% which essentially confirms the territorial data.

Once again the result of Alleanza Verdi Sinistra was excellent with a round 8.44%. The Five Stars are very bad, stuck at 5.61% with Carlo Calenda’s Action practically attacked with 5.30 and the United States of Europe of Calenda and Bonino at 5.09.
Pace Terra e Dignità by Santoro closes with 2.64%, Libertà with 0.64%, Alternative Popular by Bandecchi at 0.26% and Rassemblement Valdotain with 0.21.

Preferences: Fermi beats Vannacci in Como but is only sixth in the college

In terms of preferences, the Como match that mattered was only one, namely the race of Como’s Alessandro Fermi for the League. Well in the province of Como the councilor of the University of the Lombardy Region received 13,498 preferences, a few less than the last regional round. General Vannacci was also beaten with 8,522, as were Silvia Sardone with 3,417, Isabella Tovaglieri with 2,127 and Angelo Ciocca with 1,665.

At the North West constituency level, however, things change significantly: Fermi is only sixth with 19,360 total preferences. 6 thousand votes arrived from the League in the rest of Lombardy, Piedmont, Val d’Aosta and Liguria but the election – pending definitive numbers and distribution of seats – seems difficult (even taking into account that Vannacci could opt for the election elsewhere, given that he was a candidate everywhere). First in the League in the North West constituency was Roberto Vannacci with 172,791 preferences, then followed by: Silvia Sardone with 66,616, Isabella Tovaglieri with 37,414, Angelo Ciocca with 36,494, Francesco Bruzzone with 23,746 and Fermi with 19,360. If Fermi doesn’t make it, Como he won’t have any MEPs.

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