European elections, Salvini: ‘They thought we were dead. We are alive and well’

The leader of the League, from the party headquarters in via Bellerio in Milan, commented on the results of the Northern League. “I thank those who have never betrayed, I don’t like those who run away and change sides according to convenience. The League was born 40 years ago and will be there in 40 years”, he said, evoking Bossi’s choice to vote Forza Italia- We moderates

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“For a year everyone had given us up for dead, but we are alive and lively”, said the leader of the League Matteo Salvini commenting on the Northern League’s results in the European elections. In a conference at the party headquarters in via Bellerio in Milan, the Northern League leader added: “I comment on the projections, if we are even a ‘0 comma’ above the political result, there is satisfaction” (EUROPEAN ELECTIONS, FOLLOW THE COUNT IN REAL TIME – ALL RESULTS IN ITALY).

“Local party congresses enter the summer”

“Whatever happens, I confirm that all the missing local congresses will be held by the summer. And the federal congress by the autumn”, stated the Northern League secretary. To then underline: “I hope for a compact centre-right in Europe. Without downward compromises with the socialists”, adding that he hopes “that the centre-right which is compact in Italy will also be compact in Europe”. Salvini specified: “Another five years of von der Leyen will not lead to anything good” he added.

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“Strange that the former secretary votes for another party”

Salvini focused on the choice of the founder of the League, Umberto Bossi, who on the day of the vote made it known that he would vote Forza Italia-Noi Moderati. “We are alive, certainly with some oddities, with the former party secretary who the day before the vote says that another party is voting… The internal conditions have not always been comfortable but the Northern League members have put their soul into it”, explained the leader of the Carroccio. “I thank those who have never betrayed, I don’t like those who run away and change sides according to convenience – he added -. The League was born 40 years ago and will be there in 40 years”.

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“Congratulations to Le Pen. Well done Vannacci”

“The air in Europe is positive,” Salvini said. The head of the League reported that he had spoken to Marine Le Pen to congratulate her and that he had an appointment this week with the other members of the ID group to take stock after the vote. Then he said he believed that the outcome of the vote had given “even to the most doubtful people an answer to the choice of having Vannacci, an answer from the vote of the people who are always right”. For the Northern League leader “if Vannacci approaches half a million preferences, it means that the stretch of road together is approved by Northern League members and non-League members”.

epa11399770 French President Emmanuel Macron gestures after voting for the European Parliament election, in Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, France, 09 June 2024. EPA/Hannah McKay / POOL MAXPPP OUT

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“Congratulations to Giorgia but also to Schlein”

“I messaged Giorgia complimenting her. The stability of the government is not in question”, said Salvini again, who explained that he had also complimented the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein. “For me, she is a decent and honest person, who believes in what she says – he explained -. If she had a good result, honor and credit goes to her and to the administrators of the Democratic Party who ran for office, put their face to it and took the votes”. The Northern League leader also congratulated “the friends of Forza Italia”, who “if they get one more vote than us, it means they did well”.


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