Six dogs with Mara: «The Tour of Italy passes through Ancona. But I need money for treatment” – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – The tour of Italy with six dogs in tow: Mara Gobbato, 35 years old from Luino (in the province of Varese) stops in the Marche and launches the appeal: «My puppy, Preziosa, may need a surgical operation , I would at least need them 2 thousand euros (IBAN at the bottom of the article, ed)”.

Mara goes around with a tangle of leashes in tow: besides Preziosa, there are Punky (originally from Osimo), Margherita, Perla, Macho and Hippy, who «has been paralyzed for years due to the shot of a policeman who would have hit him in the thorn dorsal, in Murcia”. Now, the big dog moves with the aid of a trolley which supports him legs rear.

The 35-year-old made an extraordinary adventure, going from Ventimiglia to Barcelona standing. Then, she returned to Italy by train and went to discover France and Spain. Here, I lived on the beach for two years, at the time of the Covid pandemic, a bit like Robinson Crusoe”, she jokes. «I’ve been on the streets for ten years. At the base of everything, there are reasons family members but from a misadventure an adventure was born.”

Mara arrived a few days ago in the Marche. After Rimini, she was in fact in Pesaro, Fano and Fabriano. «On Tuesday I will be in Tolentino, on Wednesday at Macerata and Thursday in Monte San Giusto. Next Saturday, back to Macerata and from Sunday Ascoli Piceno. So I will leave the Marche to go to Umbria, tour Abruzzo, Puglia and Calabria. From Calabria, I will move to Basilicata, I want to see Matera again and then Campania. The idea is to winter between Lazio and Tuscany. I will continue towards Emilia Romagna and turn north: Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia”.

«I eat what people give me, I have a van only thanks to the solidarity of the people. We sleep in there, I spend the bare minimum”, he points out. Mara is smiling as she takes a photo of what, according to her, is her family. From Piazza Cavour, near the miniature statuette of Count Camillo, near Corso Garibaldi, we move in the direction of Monumento.

It’s at Passetto that the girl left her van: «I’m touring Italy, I think it’s important to discover our places before going abroad. My life And Prettybeing on the road and traveling makes me feel Viva. But you have to have discipline to avoid getting into bad situations.” The 35-year-old only has a Postepay. To answer yours appealhere is the Iban: IT56L3608105138294256294258.

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