Elections, turnout at 25.21% in Puglia for the municipal elections. In Lecce and Bari one in four has already voted. The European figure is lower: 14%

First day of voting also in Puglia where 847,661 voters are called to vote for the renewal of municipal councils and for the choice of new mayors in 62 municipalities. We vote…

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First day of vote also in Puglia where there are 847,661 voters called to vote for the renewal of the councils municipal and for the choice of new mayors in 62 municipalities. We also vote for the renewal of the European Parliament. And you can also vote on Sunday from 7am to 11pm.

The first day saw approximately one citizen in four vote in the municipalities called to the municipal elections. The overall figure for Puglia is 25.21%. Lower threshold, however, for the Europeans: 14%.

Where to vote

Bari and Lecce are the only capitals. Above 15 thousand inhabitants there are Gioia del Colle, Putignano, Rutigliano and Santeramo in Colle (Bari); Mesagne (Brindisi); Manfredonia, San Giovanni Rotondo, San Severo and Torremaggiore (Foggia); and finally Copertino (Lecce). In Bari there are five candidates but the challenge is three-way: the center-left is divided between Vito Leccese (Pd, Verdi, and other civic groups) and Michele Laforgia (M5S, Si and others). The center-right is nominating the 36-year-old Northern League member Fabio Romito (but the League does not present his symbol). There is also Sabino Mangano, former municipal councilor of the 5 Star Movement who leads the Oltre list; and Nicola Sciacovelli, city councilor for ten years who runs on two civic lists. In Lecce the challenge is between the two compact camps around the two main candidates: the centre-right supports Adriana Poli Bortone, in the past mayor of the Salento capital, parliamentarian, MEP and minister. The center-left found a square with the primaries around the outgoing Carlo Salvemini, supported by both the Pd and the M5s. Alberto Siculella, supported by two civic lists, and Agostino Ciucci with the support of a civic list also aspire to the position of first citizen of Lecce.


Read the full article at
Puglia Newspaper

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