Administrative, in the Salerno area 47 municipalities go to the polls to elect mayors

Administrative, in the Salerno area 47 municipalities go to the polls to elect mayors
Administrative, in the Salerno area 47 municipalities go to the polls to elect mayors


There are 47 municipalities in the province of Salerno which, today and tomorrow, will return to the vote for the renewal of the City Council. Of these, only four (Sarno, Nocera Superiore, Capaccio Paestum and Baronissi) exceed 15 thousand inhabitants and, therefore, could have a possible second round as a prologue (Sunday 23 and Monday 24 June) if none of the aspiring mayors were to exceed the threshold of 50 %+1. Challenges which, clearly, will be “main fields” also for the parties which, in conjunction with the European elections, will have the opportunity to measure the political thermometer on the territories. In the province-fiefdom of Vincenzo De Lucathe center-left is hunting for confirmations, also to try to stem the advance of the right.

In Sarno the match will be between Francesco Squillante, Giovanni Cocca and Vincenzo Sirica. Four-way race in Nocera Superiore where Enrico Bisogno, Gennaro D’Acunzi, Rosario Danisi and Gaetano Montalbano will compete for the tricolor band. Also important is the challenge in Capaccio Paestum which sees Franco Alfieri in the running for reconfirmation, very loyal to Vincenzo De Luca who challenges Emanuele Sica and Carmine Caramante, while in Baronissi, where the novelty will be represented by the presence of Italia Sovrana, it will be a four-way race between Anna Petta, Marco Picarone, Tony Siniscalco and Alberta Casaburi.

Also voting are many smaller municipalities such as Ascea, Atrani, Auletta, Bellizzi, Bellosguardo, Caggiano, Campora, Casalbuono, Casaletto Spartano, Caselle in Pittari, Castelnuovo Cilento, Castelnuovo di Conza, Castiglione del Genovesi, Cuccaro Vetere, Felitto, Furore, Futani , Gioi, Laureana Cilento, Minori, Montano Antilia, Montecorvino Pugliano, Morigerati, Oliveto Citra, Omignano, Ottati, Ricigliano, Rofrano, Sala Consilina, Salento, Salvitelle, San Cipriano Picentino, San Mauro Cilento, San Pietro al Tanagro, San Rufo, Torchiara, Torraca, Torre Orsaia, Tramonti, Valle dell’Angelo and Vietri sul Mare.

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