Murder in Bibbiano (Reggio Emilia), stabs a man in an apartment building: he risks lynching, arrested

Stabbed to death on the stairs of a building after a discussion. The details of thehomocide occurred around 11pm on Friday 7 June in an apartment building in Bibbiano of Reggio Emilia, in a building in via Fratelli Corradini. The 41 year old Riccardo Stefaniresident of the building, killed the 61-year-old Ilirjan Minaj, a craftsman of Albanian origin living a short distance away, in the same street. Minaj, known as “Lili,” had entered the building for greet a Grandchildon the staircase he met Stefani and one exchange Of jokes caused a quarrel ended with the attack with a large kitchen knife: i slashes turned out to be fatal, Minaj died within minutes. Stefani is then barricaded at home, where he was reached by the police. When it was time to transfer him to prison, he risked his life lynching: different family members of the 61-year-old, informed of what had happened, waited for the man to come out and tried to attack him, also hitting the military car into which he was loaded. Now Stefani is under investigation for voluntary homicide aggravated, there is a lot of evidence against him, from the testimonies of the condominiums to the knife seized in the house.

The victim, a calm person

The crime shook the quiet Friday evening in the center of Bibbiano, and woke up practically the entire population, amid sirens and the gathering in via Fratelli Corradini. And it left a lot of bitterness. Ilirjan Minaj, originally from Korçë, was considered one calm and kind person. He had lived in the Reggio Emilia town for about twenty years, with his wife Natasha and his 19-year-old daughter. He had decided to move to join other relatives living in the foothills of Reggio Emilia, including his niece whom he had gone to visit at the time of his death. He took care of small manual jobs and maintenance in various condominiums, and was often at the bar, chatting with friends; they mostly talked about football, which he loved.

The turbulent past of the attacker

The life path of Stefani, of Piedmontese origin and for years a citizen of Bibbiano together with his elderly mother, is more complicated. Chronic problems addictions And economic constraints had already generated outbursts and arguments in public in the past, there are several complaints against him for thefts in local shops and for vandalism with paint on the walls of public places. In Bibbiano the carabinieri from the town station, those from Montecchio Emilia and the provincial mobile radio unit intervened and are now trying to reconstruct the details.

The dynamics hypothesis

Minaj entered the condominium around 11pm to reach her niece’s home in trumpet from the stairs he met Stefani, the two started talking and the discussion it became inflamed quickly. Perhaps, to fuel everything, a contrast precedent between the two, returned with vigor. At some point Stefani would return to her apartment, Minaj would chased for later hit the closed door vigorously. At that point Stefani, who in the meantime had taken the knife from the kitchen, opened the door and stabbed the 61-year-old to death with two slashes to the chest, fatal results. It is not clear whether the 41-year-old had returned to the house to take refuge or to arm himself.

Almost lynching

Minaj’s niece immediately called 911, and Stefani returned to his residence, locking himself inside. Once the police arrived, they managed to get themselves opened and proceeded with the arrest. Meanwhile a small crowd of friends and relatives of Minaj, informed of the fact, gathered outside and when the soldiers and Stefani came out they tried to reach the 41 year old, hitting the military car several times. The attempt to take justice into their own hands it was blocked not without difficulty by the carabinieri of the various patrols called as soon as they noticed the gathering. Stefani was taken to the Reggio Emilia prison, where the arrest was confirmed and where he is still detained.

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