“Comusì”, how to spread the best of Sicilian music

The perception, after the chat with Giuseppe Strazzeri (owner of the Mhodì Music Company), is that of being faced with a great opportunity. And, probably, the desire to grow by trying to promote and spread Sicilian music and artists (but not only) thanks to a new “network” is the basis of the project represented by “Comusì – Coesione Musicale Siciliana”. Because united we can make further progress and the famous saying may be true according to which strength can increase by forming a group. The desire is to bring together the best of music made in Sicily and to make it known and appreciated by listeners, all this by taking advantage of a nascent collaboration between artists and professionals in order to encourage the equal diffusion of the sounds that represent the Sicilian identity. Comusì, then, becomes a sort of catalyst that aims to recognize the value, both cultural and commercial, of those who choose to invest in local sounds and musicality.

«I was born as a record producer – declared Strazzeri – and from my experience in the sector I understood, together with friends and collaborators of course, that there was a gap to try to fill. For market reasons, in fact, I have often worked more abroad than locally; for a kind of law of large numbers which, as can easily be imagined, allows for greater opportunities when referring to larger contexts. An important element connected to the world of music is that of distribution, today music is listened to on digital platforms and therefore those who work in this sector deal with the latter. Recently, therefore, we noticed that there was not always a category reserved for Sicilian music, sometimes there were connections with the neo-melodic world but in a somewhat forced way. So we tried to innovate the system…”.

Easy to say, what was it like doing it?
«Certainly fun and stimulating. Because cohesion is necessary to grow, I have developed this awareness thanks to the years spent traveling around the world. Today on Comusì there are over thirty artists, but we are on the rise. I did a sort of survey among the kids, asking what Sicilian musical references they had; not everyone was able to answer and, therefore, I understood that it was necessary to do something about our music and our realities. Comusì is an idea, an attempt to bring to the general public a product that is wonderful and deserves due consideration.”

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