Ragusa, the celebration of the Precious Blood is underway

“In the body and blood of Christ we find his presence, his life given for each of us. He not only gives us help to move forward, but he gives us himself: he becomes our traveling companion, enters into our affairs, visits our solitudes, restoring meaning and enthusiasm”. The words of Pope Francis, pronounced on 19 June 2022, at the center of the celebration of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ which will be held in Ragusa from Monday 10 June. “These days of celebration, in addition to consolidating the now traditional moments of aggregation – explains the parish priest, the priest Giuseppe Russelli – will allow us to deepen the reflection on this theme which deserves great attention”.

The external procession will be held on Sunday 16 June. “As always – continues the parish priest – we are committed to facing the days of the feast as a precious opportunity to experience fraternal communion and a credible Eucharistic faith”. We begin, therefore, on Monday when, at 6.20 pm there will be the recitation of the Rosary and the litanies of the Precious Blood, at 7 pm the mass while at 8 pm the lighting of the artistic lights installed by the Novarlux Luminarie company of Giuseppe Da Campo is scheduled of Novara di Sicilia at the start of the solemn celebrations in honor of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Furthermore, at 8.30 pm the seventh edition of the mixed human table football tournament will begin (numerous teams participating), for which the calendar of matches is already ready, which can be consulted on the social profile of the parish, while at the same time the sausage and cannoli festival. Furthermore, new this year, there will be inflatable games for children by the companies “Animazione e Bollicine” and “Batti Cinque”.

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