Tivoli, pusher fleeing at the wheel of a Porsche on Tiburtina, caught after a chase against traffic, 33-year-old under house arrest

Tivoli, pusher fleeing at the wheel of a Porsche on Tiburtina, caught after a chase against traffic, 33-year-old under house arrest
Tivoli, pusher fleeing at the wheel of a Porsche on Tiburtina, caught after a chase against traffic, 33-year-old under house arrest

The fugitive made a daring escape to escape the police, driving at breakneck speed, sometimes against traffic, endangering the safety of motorists and pedestrians on the Tiburtina. When he was blocked, he was found in possession of a knife and cocaine.

The police squad intervened

(AGR) Tivoli. Arrested by the State Police after a daring escape attempt, aboard a Porsche Cayenne, a 33-year-old man seriously suspected of the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs. We inform you, in respect of the rights of the suspect (to be considered presumed innocent in consideration of the current phase of the proceedings – preliminary investigations – until a definitive finding of guilt with an irrevocable sentence) and in order to guarantee the constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of the press, that on the morning of 4 June 2024, in the Albuccione hamlet of the municipality of Guidonia Montecelio, policemen from the Flying Department of the Rome Police Headquarters, together with personnel from the “Tivoli-Guidonia” detached police station, arrested a 33-year-old man, known multi-convict from the Tiburtina area with numerous precedents for crimes relating to drugs, for which he was also recently definitively convicted.

The 33-year-old driving a Porsche Cayenne, upon seeing the steering wheel, which was passing through via Tiburtina at the intersection with via Palmiro Togliatti, suddenly accelerated, arousing suspicion in the officers.

A chase ensued, during which the fugitive made a daring escape to escape the officers, driving at an insane speed, sometimes against traffic and seriously endangering the safety of the motorists and pedestrians who were passing along the street at that moment. Tiburtina.

The worst was avoided only thanks to the promptness of the police, who by activating the acoustic and visual alarm signals allowed passing motorists to avoid a collision, given that the car was traveling the wrong way at very high speed along Via Tiburtina for at least 1 kilometre.

The man was finally stopped by police cars in Tivoli Terme, and subjected to checks, he was found in possession of a switchblade and approximately 3 grams of cocaine. During the investigations, the man took a strongly oppositional attitude towards the officers, resisting the control and attempting to flee on foot. Made to get into the police car to be taken to the Tivoli police station, he flew into a rage and again attempted to escape from the company car during the journey.

During the subsequent house search at the house in Villalba di Guidonia (a real “fort” with fine interiors, grates, gates and armored doors) material for the packaging of narcotic substances and an additional knife were found.

The man was arrested and subjected to the precautionary measure of house arrest on the orders of the PM on duty at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Tivoli. On 6 June the GIP of the Court of Tivoli validated the arrest legitimately carried out and confirmed the precautionary measure applied against the man, formulating the following motivation. “not being able to trust in the capacity for self-limitation of the accused, whose inability to self-control is made extremely evident by the manner of the facts for which the proceedings are being carried out… and whose obstinacy in illicit drug activity is made clear by the relapsing nature of the conduct and by the methods thereof”.

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