European elections 2024, the editorial by director Roberto Napoletano: it’s time for the Mediterranean

European elections 2024, the editorial by director Roberto Napoletano: it’s time for the Mediterranean
European elections 2024, the editorial by director Roberto Napoletano: it’s time for the Mediterranean

We do not need a Europe that continues to mediate and impose constraints, but that recognizes its priorities and takes big decisions. The first of all in our eyes is the political choice of the Mediterranean as a crucial direction of development and peace. From this choice forced by the new geopolitical context, marked by two distant but connected wars, Ukraine and the Middle East, comes the key role of the Italian South, no longer a periphery, but a strategic center of the whole of Europe due to its geographical positioning between the two shores of the Mare Nostrum.

Which means in fact the only possible bridge between the African continent of hope – youth resource and treasures of energy raw materials and the future put at risk by an open-air powder keg fueled by Russian weapons and Chinese usury money – and the shore awakened southern part of the Old Continent. What does it mean, let’s point out, the only non-autocratic South in the world that is fully regulated and integralwhich is also growing, of a G7 country.

What is at stake in this European vote, which a sick public debate dominated by internal issues has prevented from grasping, is not the mere defense of the evident interest of the Italian site, but its unavoidable value as a driving positioning point for the whole of Europe , from North to South. Here we are supported by the strategic strength of intuition that belongs to great politics and which is that of the Mattei plan launched by Giorgia Meloni.

It has the hallmark of the founding European spirit and forcefully proposes that non-predatory approach that is completely new today, compared to Africa and the wider Mediterranean, which belongs to the noble chromosomes of the best men in the past history of our country.

We must acknowledge that Africa no longer tolerates old and new colonialisms of a single country, but demands precisely that non-predatory assumption proposed and implemented by Italy, to be clear, Eni leaves 90% of what it extracts in Africa, which becomes a subordinate European operational strategy of the Euro-Mediterranean political strategic choice. The anti-French movement of the new African generation must make everyone reflect because it expresses a widespread feeling of anti-colonialism and pushes towards a European Mattei Plan of Italian inspiration which requires patience and coherent long-term action. Things are not changed with a daily agenda, but with the marathon of changes in history that can only determine great politics that senses before others and shows others the way. Which is the one that frames, addresses and tries to resolve crucial issues such as the immense demographic problem. Who never tires of moving forward and engaging with his interlocutors in a conclusive way.

We need a Europe of great political decisions. We need the political courage of the great states of Europe. The profound uneasiness that passes through the populations of Eastern European countries, bordering the territories of Putin’s invasion war in Ukraine, has been at least partly mitigated by the choice of enlargement twenty years ago, desired at the time amidst many conflicts from Romano Prodi, because it made them relatively richer and safer. Today for political Europe, which will emerge from the vote of European citizens, it is the time to choose the Mediterranean. Who has had in the leadership of the Italian government a coherence of position and a linearity of behavior which will be difficult for everyone to ignore.

For Italy, in particular, it is then necessary to be put in a position to exploit the only real cash it has at its disposal, which is that of European funds. This is what Minister Fitto’s precious work in Europe has guaranteed in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) and which is being carried out in the management of all European funds with single governance, a new definition of the areas of intervention of the European cohesion and development programs and with the creation of the unique special economic zone (Zes). A set of interventions that make our South a theater of interests that is no longer just Italian, but European and global. Especially European, touching on the maritime economy such as old and new manufacturing, energy and ports, human capital and the new digital frontier. The facts exposed so far are evident to those who are not prejudiced and are reported for this very reason.

It must at least be clear to the largest possible number of voters who pass through these choices, supported by European politics, the consolidation of a productive South that finally unites the country. The safeguard of Italian stability passes through these choices and can contribute to determining the European stability that Europe needs to avoid becoming the earthenware vessel between the expansionism of Chinese manufacturing and American technological income.

The protection of Italian interests passes through a Europe that is able to decide on strategic choices, starting from the Mediterranean one, and within which we as Italy can once again play an effective role as a Founding Country. With the serene awareness that we have many cards to play. Because we are a growing economy without inflation. Because we have protected international credit. Because we have intelligence that we can exploit much more and, above all, because we have the strategic asset of the future of the whole of Europe which is our South. The first landing beyond the bridge between Africa and Europe. Once we cross that bridge, there we are. This situation today, in the new geopolitical context, represents a historic opportunity. The important thing is to stop underestimating where decisions are made in Europe. European politics must understand this and be consistent. We can be decisive.

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