The young people return to Florence. Bianco and Lucchesi: the return smells of promotion

The young people return to Florence. Bianco and Lucchesi: the return smells of promotion
The young people return to Florence. Bianco and Lucchesi: the return smells of promotion

There are nineteen players in total – products of the Fiorentina youth sector – who will return to Viola Park this summer at the end of their respective loans between B and C to make themselves available to Palladino

There are nineteen players in total – products of the Fiorentina youth sector – who will return to Viola Park this summer at the end of their respective loans between B and C to make themselves available to Palladino during the preparation phase. But if already today – he writes The nation – it seems obvious that only a handful of them will have the privilege of staying in Florence, it is already possible to identify some profiles who, in light of their experience among the greats and their respective characteristics, may be suitable for the new coach.

Two babies certain to remain in the first team starting from September, that is White And Lucchesi: the midfielder, protagonist in Reggio Emilia last season, will be one of the faces that will make up the midfield, while the central defender (the best of the many young players who have arrived at Ternana) will be one of the replacements in defence, whether Palladino adopts the three-man formation or the four one.

Other youngsters returning from brilliant years should be evaluated: this is the case of the “Ternani” Dalle Mura, Favasuli, Amatucci and Distefano (the latter author of 7 goals in his first adventure among the «pros») but also of Niccolò Pierozzi, returned to good levels, in Salerno. However, the departure for other shores – still on loan – of the other youngsters is obvious: it’s about Krastev, Munteanu, Ferrarini, Edoardo Pierozzi, Gentile, Fiorini, Agostinelli, Toci, Guidobaldi, Dutu, Egharevba and Prati.


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