when it arrives it will be identified in two days

Bologna, 6 June 2024 – It is inevitable that there will be one new pandemic sooner or later. The important thing is to be ready to face it and theLocal health authority Romagna it is: it confirms it Vittorio Sambri, professor, microbiologist and head of the Pievesestina (Cesena) analysis laboratory for all infectious diseases in the Emilia-Romagna region. The professor confirms what alreadyWHO had said and that even the world-famous virologist, Ilaria Capuahe announced on the pages of Carlino: a new virus is on the way.

You can’t say it won’t be there”, says Sambri. “We cannot know what virus it is – although by statistical probability we expect it to be a new one influenza virus – or when it arrives, but Covid-19 has taught us that we must all be ready and now we are”.

In the round Professor Vittorio Sambri: “In the event of a new pandemic, we will be ready to face it”

Professor, what has been done to prepare for the eventuality of a new virus?

“Given the pandemic plan at a national level, the Romagna Local Health Authority – like the other local authorities – also had to prepare an updated one at a regional level. A plan that defines what we must do and who must do what, in case a new pandemic breaks out. In the last three months, therefore, exercises have been carried out, bringing together actors who could be involved in the management of the new emergency, simulating the possible effects. It all translates into ‘we are getting ready’”.

A simulation to prevent the worst, then? Are we ready for any more masks or beds in intensive care?

“Absolutely yes. We are now prepared for the worst scenarios, such as the involvement of a large number of the population or a significant filling of hospitals. Compared to pre-Covid-19, we are also much better prepared in the laboratories, thanks to the funds from the National Plan for complementary investments of the Pnrr, managed by the Region”.

For example?

“Thanks to the investment of millions of euros, technologies have been developed that did not exist at the beginning of Covid-19. We cannot say now which pandemic it will be, but in 48/72 hours we will be able to understand which virus circulates thanks to technologies that allow us to do so. Just as we will be able to establish rapid diagnostic tests. The situation has changed a lot since pre-Covid-19.”

The European pandemic plan being worked on will also be fundamental.

“Absolutely yes, also because the management of a pandemic affects all levels. It is essential for the public health system that each organ or person knows what they must do and at what times. We practiced with a simulation on paper and all that that we have learned must become everyone’s heritage.”

So is it really inevitable that another pandemic will arrive?

“We need to understand that viruses have not disappeared and realize that another pandemic is absolutely possible. But we must also be aware that it will be no one’s fault if a new virus arrives, if not our way of life. We are very crowded and are using resources irresponsibly. But we also have technologies that allow us to travel around the world in 48 hours. It is unthinkable that a virus does not spread.”

Does it confirm that pandemics are cyclical events and therefore inevitable?

“Viruses have always existed, they were there before us. If in 1400 there was the plague, today there is a virus. We have also gone through AIDS and countless other diseases. So yes, it’s inevitable.”

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