World University Ranking: Florence and Pisa in the Italian top 10, Siena rises 40 positions

World University Ranking: Florence and Pisa in the Italian top 10, Siena rises 40 positions
World University Ranking: Florence and Pisa in the Italian top 10, Siena rises 40 positions

Excellent results for the universities of Tuscany in QS World University Rankingsthe prestigious ranking of best universities in the world drawn up every year by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds. For the 2025 edition, 42 Italian companies have entered the ranking: the University of Florence is placed ninth in Italy, followed by the University of Pisa in tenth, while the University of Siena is in 21st place in Italy and rises 40 positions compared to last year.

The University of Florence is in the top 6.6% of universities

In particular the University of Florence is placed in the top 6.6% of the academic institutions evaluated, placing itself at 375th place out of 5,663 (there were 2,963 last year) and in the top 25% of universities in the ranking (there are 1,503).

Compared to 2024, the University has also increased its overall absolute score which reaches 31.2 (it was 30.8). Looking at individual areas, on a global scale, the University of Florence obtains the best placement in voice “international research network” where he obtained 189th place and then improved “academic reputation” (from 259th to 255th place), “employment outcomes” (from position number 476 to 415th) and “international students” where the score rises to 12.7 (it was 10.7).

Compared to the national ranking, the University of Florence is placed ninth overall, with the best results obtained in the items “international research network”, where it is fifth, “international students” and “sustainability” (in sixth place).

The University of Siena advances 40 positions

Growing in the rankings for the second consecutive year isUniversity of Siena which gained over 40 positions and is placed between 691st and 700th place in the world, while in the previous edition it was placed in the 731-740 range. The high number of companies contributed to the good result on a global level citations of academic publications, participation in international networks, the index of academic reputation and that of employers.

As for the Italian ranking the University of Siena rises to 21st placestanding out for the quantity of international students (ninth place) and for the advantageous relationship between students and teachers (tenth position).

“His international vocation is rewarded, as is his ability to carry out quality research, recognized by the University’s high reputational index – commented the rector Roberto Di PietraFurthermore, the good study conditions that our students find are significant, with a teacher/student ratio that has few equals and a fully livable environment, with short distances and large green spaces both at university and city level”.

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